4/3/2014 0 Comments Detours??We are fortunate to have blogger, Jamila Perry share with us her I had a great weekend with one of my best girlfriends. It had been a while since we were together, so we were looking forward to our girl time. The plan was to go to Asheville to the see the leaves change. All week, my girlfriend was asking me some specifics about the trip, and each time I never had an answer. I figured we could just be spontaneous. I enjoy a little spontaneity and plus it seems that lately whenever I make plans something always goes wrong. So perhaps there was a little bit of self-preservation going on too. Anyway, we embarked on this journey to Asheville and all of a sudden I see a sign for a Gorge.( I became enamored with gorges after a business trip many years ago where I saw my first gorge. It was so beautiful. If you haven't seen one definitely add this to your list of things to do.) I yell out, "a gorge!" My girlfriend looks at me and says, "wanna go?"...so off we went, taking a detour from our scheduled trip to Asheville to look at the beautiful fall colors of the leaves and for some shopping and lunch. Little did we know we were about to embark a great adventure, filled with all kinds of high jinks, amazing views, lots of walking, and experiencing the awesome wonder of God through nature. We had a great time! This was a planned detour, but a detour nonetheless. We really didn't know how it would turn out and as we started going further up the mountain and the roads became winding and narrow, we started to think "umm, was this a good idea?" Still, we pressed on to our new destination, sometimes laughing and sometimes in nervous silence. We tried to diffuse our anxiety on the mountainous roads with old school music and singing, but it was clear we were both a little afraid. However, getting to the mountain, traveling through the beautiful forest, and seeing water falls made it all worth it. This trip reminded me of my life. It has been filled with some planned and unplanned detours. Like most people, as an adolescent I had a clear plan of how my life was going to go. I even remember filling out my Senior book and answering the questions, "where will you be in 5 years...10 years..20 years?" Let's just say, I am not where I thought I would be, but I'm still grateful because I know I am right where I am supposed to be. I've had some bumps and bruises, anxiety, ups and downs...but I've met some wonderful people along the way, made lifelong friendships, and had some great (and not so great) experiences. Like the trip, there have been moments when I wondered "What in the world was I thinking?" or where I felt anxious, nervous, or afraid. But, there have also been moments when I kept going towards my destination or goal and despite all it took to get there, it was all worth it. It was those moments that made me further appreciate the awesome wonder of God, because I knew he had a plan for me. If you really knew my story, you would really be able to appreciate where I am now, because of where I have been. I pray that whatever detours my life may take that I can always see the beauty in the moment. I believe detours, planned or unplanned, can lead to roadblocks or great adventures...it's up to me! As the old folks say, "I wouldn't trade nothing for my journey." I definitely wouldn't trade anything for the trip my girlfriend and I took this weekend! Because you never know where life is gonna take you and you can't change where you've been. But today, I have the opportunity to choose....India.Arie The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. Psalm 16:9
8/15/2013 2 Comments Have You Been Verified?So, I was on Twitter yesterday and scrolling through the feed of a new actress, and her followers were excited because she'd finally gotten her blue check mark. For those of us who are not avid Twitter users, the unmistakable blue check mark next to a User's name (usually a VIP- celebrity, government official, religious leader, industry-leading business, etc.) means that Twitter has officially verified that that User is who they say they are. They have checked into this person's authenticity and can confirm that the credentials match. This blue check mark is used by Twitter as a resource for Twitter users to help gauge the utility of information coming from that particular account. Another interesting tidbit about the "blue check" is that a User cannot simply REQUEST that Twitter verifies them. They can't go "Hey...look at me, I'm important, verify me!" No, it doesn't work that way. They state in their FAQs that if you meet their qualifications and fall under the categories they have already established, you will hear from them. They encourage you to continue meaningful use and when the time is right, they will reach out. They also make a special note that "follower count" has no bearings as to whether a User can be verified. Now I'm no preacher, but God has been speaking to me lately on not second-guessing my gift. Coming across that simple collection of tweets yesterday, and thinking about the whole "being verified" scenario really put it in perspective. Simply put, when God gives you a gift and verifies you, there are no other steps that have to be taken, other than you continuing on in your gift. Also, just because you see this person over here doing the same thing and they have a multitude of "followers", it does not mean that they have a gift, it simply means that they are popular. Having grown up in the church, one of the things I have heard time and time again is that "God doesn't necessarily call the qualified, He qualifies the called." Time after time, I have downplayed my talents, talked myself out of situations, been self-deprecating, self-defeating and missed out on wonderful opportunities, simply because I didn't feel that I was good enough to do it. I felt that SOMEONE would "find me out" and say that I didn't deserve x, y or z because I haven't gone through the traditional steps or channels. I'm sitting out here waiting on all these other people to verify my gift, when their validation should be the least of my concerns! When God verifies you, He is telling you, "You are who I say you are. This is who you were meant to be, now go walk in your gift." WHO ARE YOU to second-guess that? WHO ARE YOU to diminish that? WHY would you allow any. body. else. to come along and challenge what you know to be true? What you know that has been placed in your life to help others? Don't allow yourself, your followers, or anyone else's followers, for that matter, seek to prove or deny your gift. Move forward with the confidence of that blue check mark, knowing that as long as you are connected under your VERIFIED account, your gift cannot be denied! Take Care! Erika Jewel We are fortunate to have guest blogger, Erika Jewel, who is an entrepreneur from the Maryland area. Being the social butterfly that she is, she enjoys most things related to interacting with people, helping others feel good about themselves and in general, just loves life. She enjoys writing and is focusing on spreading love and encouragement in a sometimes funny way that makes you feel like she's an old friend. 5/12/2013 2 Comments "Happy Non-Mother's Day"It is Mother's Day and we are celebrating Mother's of all kinds on today. But this day for many is a reminder of what we do not have. For some, a mother may be deceased or have not been in their lives or they have never known the joys of motherhood because of infertility, miscarriage, infant loss or other life issues. I am a member of one of these not so famous and less celebrated clubs. I have not experienced the joys of motherhood. Mother's Day has grown to be a very difficult time for me. Yes, I receive the one or two texts from those who know personally my struggle with conceiving offering prayers of a future seed. I am a first time Godmother and I am able to enjoy my new Godbaby, and each year my beautiful niece who I help raise from infancy always sends me her love and appreciation during this time. I am so appreciative for these gestures of love and encouragement. But deep within the recesses of my soul, when I see all the pictures of the homemade Mother's Day cards from the little ones, the rose dedication in churches and read the "being part of the elite club Motherhood statuses" it is a reminder that my desire has not yet manifested after nine years. And that's when then the thoughts of what I do not have pull me into a pit of despair and depression and I begin to wonder why God hasn't allowed me entrance into that elite club. This year, it has become somewhat harder to put on that face that we often put on when we are trying to be happy for others. Why? Because my biological clock is ticking overtime. This is my last year on the 3rd floor, my 40's is less than a year away and according to everything that the world says, my chances for entrance into this elite club is getting smaller and smaller with each passing year. So today, as many celebrate their membership in this elite club, I want to send a word of encouragement to those who have not enjoyed the joys of carrying life at all or to full term, or do not have a mother present in their life or who does not have a living mother to share this day with. You are not alone. Know my spiritual sisters in faith that we are not bitter or covetous or envious. The day is simply a reminder of unfulfilled longings, desires and wants. This club that we are in may not be celebrated with a day but we know a God that offers hope and comfort doing these times of despair and loneliness and He always shows us that we are valued and worth being celebrated. Christ dedicated his entire ministry to hurting and broken souls and He offered a welcoming place of rest and nourishment. Today, rest in his bosom and receive healing for that place of despair as I am doing today. I am taking a moment to allow God to speak to my soul and fill me with His spirit so that I can better understand this journey that I am on as I know that this journey is not for me but for someone else. Take this opportunity to feel the feelings but don't stay there. Begin to change your perspective and see where you can fill the void that you feel in someone else's life or how you can be of encouragement to someone in your "club". And I challenge those that are part of the "elite club called Motherhood" to remember someone like me, someone you know in my club. A sister in faith that is battling infertility, or has lost a mother and has never known the joy of celebrating a Mother's Day with a living mother, or a sister in faith that is battling never having a mother in her life. Let's not get so wrapped up in the day that we forget those who are struggling to be where you are. Will you be that friend this year that remembers that friend who isn't part of your club? Maybe you haven’t battled infertility or infant loss. But surely you can understand how painful a Mother’s Day is to the woman who longs for nothing more than to be a mother or who does not have a living mother. There is so much encouragement that comes in knowing we are not forgotten, that we are not overlooked, that we are not an after thought. Would you be that encouragement this year? That glimmer of light on an otherwise painful day? Regardless of how you do it, remember the motherless, the infertile, those who have miscarried..the non-mother. As the world around us celebrates motherhood remember the Proverbs 31 woman needs our attention, but Hannah, the 1 Samuel 1 woman does too. 2/14/2013 0 Comments The Gift of LoveThe Sanctuary is pleased to have author Sheryl Merritt share with us the greatest gift of LOVE. 'Tis the season to be in love. Yes, love’s holiday is upon us and today we celebrate what is known as Valentine’s Day. Everywhere you go, you will see signs heralding this day…there are red hearts, balloons, flowers, cards, candy, stuffed animals and commercials galore advertising the best gifts. You can’t ignore it, even if you try. For some, this day is a delight, especially if there is a loved one who will celebrate you this day or if you have someone special to celebrate. For others, it can be an excruciatingly painful day. I’ve experienced both. But it was only through spending quality time with Jesus did I learn that His love was the main thing I needed to be concerned about. The Holy Spirit comes today specifically to encourage and remind us all that His love is everlasting. His love won’t fail. His love will chase you down. His love is empowering. His love will never leave us lonely or feeling forsaken. And that is why His love is a gift to us. He is love. He gives love and He loves us. He is perfect love. This agape love is a love so strong, pure, forgiving, and compassionate that it is really unimaginable and we probably won’t fully appreciate, understand and bask in its fullness until He returns for us. But that shouldn’t stop us from reminding ourselves throughout the day that we are loved by the Greatest Love of All. Say it until you start to believe it. Declare it until it changes you for the better. Decree that thing (I have the love of God in me) and it shall be. This is what I had to do. A few years back, I was on a Valentine's Day date with Jesus. Yes, that's right. As a single, I decided to start going on dates with Jesus to my favorite restaurant. On these dates, I would spend time in His presence, listening to every word He had to say about my relationships, destiny, life and loves. On this Valentine's day date, I looked through the crowded restaurant surveying all the couples and families there celebrating. As I sat there, I started to cry because I felt lonely, like I was really missing out on physical love. But before that first tear could hit the table, Jesus spoke the most beautiful love poem to me I had ever heard. Here's a taste... "Daughter hold your head up and sit up tall, for yours is the greatest love of all. It may seem like you're all alone but Jesus loves you from the throne. Take heed my child, my love is true; the Holy Spirit confirms this too. For don't feel rejected, that's not my plan. Don't feel unworthy because there is no man. I called you and approved you too, now hold your head up for I speak the truth. I love, I love, I love you." My tears turned into a smile and I felt like the most blessed person there that day. I was with Love and there was no reason to feel sad and alone. That date changed my outlook and the way I dealt with my singleness forever. To read the poem in its entirety, please visit my website, www.creator-in-me.com. Today God is whispering sweet ‘everythings’ in your ear. He is saying softly, “I love you my child. You are mine. I chose you. I want to pour out my glory upon you. I want to be your everything because you mean more to me than you will ever know, can ever think or imagine.” That guy or girl you lost and that you thought you could never live without, I am removing the pain you feel when you think of them. The person you love so dearly now, I am pouring out my Spirit upon them and your relationship shall be renewed as you grow together IN ME. I am providing a special delight for my children today because I created love and no one does it better than me. Their bling diamonds…I created. The flowers, I spoke into existence. The marriages, I ordained. So know that this day, I will remind you of my love and you will know that you are special to me.” Bask in God’s love today. We are pleased to announce that Sheryl will be conducting a session at our Making W.A.V.E.S. Retreat. She is a writer and creative artist who “creates and helps others find and develop a personal relationship with The Creator, which ultimately enhances the gift of creativity one has within; the gift He gave them.” Sheryl has written scripts for the BMI Trailblazers of Gospel Awards for the past five years. Her first book, Dates with Jesus © written in 2010 takes readers on a journey of Sheryl’s relationship with Jesus forged through seven years of dating Him. Her second work, Climbing Mountains ©, will be released soon, is an experiential journey with Sheryl and others covering their mountain experiences and faith stirring walks with God. Sheryl also founded and operates Creator in Me, an experiential company that produces influential activities that are artistically and creatively fun, challenging and personally fulfilling that are destined to bring out the Creator in you so you can practice a closer walk with God. Creator in Me also houses Sheryl’s book and greeting card publishing lines. You can purchase Sheyl's book on her website: www.creator-in-me.com. 2/12/2013 0 Comments Intercession TuesdayPray to be self-less The Sanctuary will embark on our 40 day Lenten Journey, Breaking the Chains: A Season of Giving on Ash Wednesday, February 13, 2013. Mardi Gras ("Fat Tuesday") and Carnival ("Farewell to Meat") precede Ash Wednesday and Lent around the world. Everywhere Lent has ceasedto have much religious meaning. How can we give this day before Ash Wednesday some meaning for us? Almsgiving has always been an important part of Lent. Almsgiving is the act of giving. As a little girl I remember my Father distributing gleaners before Ash Wednesday to the congregants in our Baptist Church. The nickle gleaners for the children and the quarter gleaners for the adults. We would be responsible for 40 days to filling up those gleaners with our loose change. We would return the gleaners on Easter Sunday. I remember feeling so accomplished when I placed my $2.00 in that collection plate. It was our sacrificial offering. It was surely a small sacrifice compared to that which our Savior made on the cross. As I reflect back on that time I realize as an adult that Lent is a wonderful time to practice self-less, sacrificial giving. What I have learned is that it is important to give ourselves the experience of sacrifice and generosity. Generosity is not simply giving my excess clothes to a place where poor people might purchase them. It's not even writing a "generous" check at the time a collection is taken up for a cause that benefits the poor. These are wonderful practices. But generosity should be an attitude, a way of life. It is a sense that no matter how much I have, all that I have is gift, and given to me to be shared. It means that sharing with others in need is one of my personal priorities. That is quite different from assessing all of my needs first, and then giving away what is left over. A spirit of self-less giving means that it is necessary to share what I have with others. This kind of self-sacrificing generosity is a divine experience. It joins us with Jesus, who gave himself completely, for us. Establishing new patterns of giving will give real life and joy to Lent. Today, let's pray that our hearts become more self-less everyday of our lives. If you are need of prayer, you can reach us 678.383.2885, submit a request via our Connect Form or you may email us at [email protected]. We will place your request on our Prayer Wall and prayers will go forth on your behalf. ◊INTERCESSION PRAYER ◊
Dear Lord, we come to you as your humble servants with thanksgiving and praise. Lord God of all creation, it is from your goodness that we have this day to celebrate as we are on the threshold of the Season of Lent. Tomorrow we will begin our journey of giving. We thank you for the abundance of gifts you shower upon us. As we give you thanks, we are mindful of those who have so much less than we do. We commit ourselves to greater generosity toward those who need our support. Prepare us for tomorrow. May our sacrifice make us more alert and may it heighten our consciousness so that we might be ready to hear your Word and respond to your call. Place in us a deeper desire and an attentiveness to be better steward of our resources and that we hear the cry of the poor and the less fortunate. May our self-denial of the pleasures of this world turn our hearts to you and give us a new financial freedom so that we may be generous sower to others and into your kingdom. By faith we call our finances restored, prosperous, and full of God’s abundance according to the Lord Jesus Christ’s plan for my life (Psalm 1), in Christ Jesus’ Name! We bind Satan, the ruler spirits, every principality, power, ruler of the darkness, wicked spirit in high places, the spirits of poverty and python and all of their underlings, all territorial spirits, all above, around and below them, and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit manifesting against our finances. We loose ourselves and the desire to spend frivolously and unnecessarily. We shall be good stewards of the resources you have blessed us with. We ask you fill our hearts full of delight and with readiness for the journey ahead. We ask all of this with confidence in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen. 2/10/2013 0 Comments Soul SONdayHappy Soul SONday Sanctuarians. We are coming up to a sacred time of the year, Lent. And we are drawing near Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, and it is February 13, 2013. Lent is the Christian season of preparation before Easter. Ash Wednesday marks the first day, or the start of the season of Lent, which begins 40 days prior to Easter (Sundays are not included in the count). Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection. Lent offers us all a very special opportunity to grow in our relationship with God and to deepen our commitment to a way of life. In our busy world, Lent provides us with an opportunity to reflect upon our patterns, to pray more deeply, and to be generous to those in need. Last year for Lent, The Sanctuary performed 40 Days of Action and Reflection. We focused on praying, forgiveness and reconciliation. It was a powerful experience. This year as Lent draws near, we announce that The Sanctuary will honor Lent 2013 with Breaking the Chains: A Season of Giving. At the beginning of this year we declared that in 2013 we are discovering God's divine providence and plan for our lives so that we may live and walk in His favor so that we may be sowers into his kingdom so that He can receive the glory out of our lives. To be able to be true sowers we must walk in financial wealth. However, many of us are dealing with financial pressure that is hindering us from being able to be true sowers unto the kingdom. This is not God's plan for his children. His word says that we should live in prosperity and in abundance and the path to prosperity begins by breaking the yoke of bondage over our finances. Therefore, for the next 40 days (February 13th - March 29th) we will pray, meditate and give to break the financial chains that have had us bound. We will follow the example of our Lord and Savior who sacrificed his life for us, we will commit our lives to be of service in our time and resources. We invite you to embark on your own Lenten experience. If you would like to join us for powerful movement just visit the 40 Days of Lent: A Season of Giving for more details. However, before we observe this Lent Season, we must understand what Lent is and what it represents. On this Soul SONday feed your soul with, "Understanding Lent"! 2/6/2013 0 Comments Worship Wednesday"Worship is a Weapon to Conquer the enemy" Praise is a part of worship but did you know that praise defeats your enemy? You have three enemies: Satan and his imps, your own flesh/desires/nature and the world. And your praise actually helps you defeat all three enemies. It helps you defeat your own selfish nature because it is hard to be selfish while praising God for how wonderful He is. The world is always trying to fill us with lies and half-truths that are against God and His Word. So spending time in God’s word helps us to get to know Him. When we do this, we can’t help but want to praise God. Praising God helps us keep things in perspective and our focus on God and His truth instead of the lies the world tries to make us believe. In 2 Chronicles 20 the Moabites, Meunites, and Ammonites were going to attack and destroy Israel. King Jehoshaphat gathers Israel to fast and pray and seek God’s help. He prays, pleading for God’s help and admitting their helplessness, “We are powerless against this vast army. We do not know what to do — "but our eyes are on You” (2 Chronicles 20:12). Then God speaks through a prophet — “Do not be afraid. The battle is not yours, but God’s” (2 Chronicles 20:15). So they went out to battle. What happened? “When they began to sing and praise, God caused the enemy armies to fight each other, and they destroyed each other (2 Chronicles 20:22-23). They used worship as a weapon. Notice — it was when they began to sing and praise that God conquered their enemies. In the same way, when we worship Jesus Christ and by the Spirit’s work see and feel His all-satisfying glory, God conquers our spiritual enemies. God says praise silences our enemy, the avenger. The avenger is one of the names that the Bible calls Satan. Satan is an avenger, accuser, deceiver and destroyer. So take a few minutes right now. Ask for God to increase in you the work of His Spirit. And set your heart on becoming a CONQUEROR over the avenger! 2/5/2013 0 Comments Intercession TuesdayPRAYING ON THE ARMOR OF GOD In our Prayer and Fellowship Meeting on this past Friday we learned how there is a battle raging in the earthly and heavenly realms. And we learned that we must learn how to do warfare. In spiritual warfare, we are not battling over carnal things, but we are battling over eternal things. And we can see that the spiritual battle has intensified when we look at the news and reflect on the various battles we are facing in our lives. Do not be surprised or shaken by the intensity of the battles. Jesus paid the complete price for your freedom and for your victory over sin. But you have to appropriate or assign everything he did for you. You and I were destined to be great warriors in God's kingdom. Satan will be fighting tooth and nail to prevent you from taking possession of your spiritual inheritance. Don't worry; you win. God intends for the battle for our good and simply uses Satan in his plan to make us great warriors. Through the various conflicts he makes us strong and spiritually mature. He uses the battle to promote us to higher positions in his kingdom and to press us into intimacy and dependence on him alone. He wants us to win and he has provided all the equipment we need to do so. Can you accept that battle is inevitable and lifelong? Then if you have been whining and complaining and having a pity party over the hard places in your life, stop right now and do something constructive instead. One of your greatest assault weapons for the battle is PRAYER. You know that a soldier would never enter a battle without proper clothes and equipment but must be fully suited in appropriate battle attire. Let's head over to the biblical outfitting room which is located in Ephesians 6:10-18 and see about putting on the full armor of God. The devil is trying desperately to hold on to every inch of ground, both in your life and on the earth. It is our job as God's warriors to make him give up everything he is holding illegally and establish the kingdom of God everywhere in our life and all over the earth. Join the battle. Pray to put on the FULL ARMOR OF GOD! ◊INTERCESSION PRAYER ◊ Heavenly Father, I desire to be obedient by being strong in the Lord and the power of Your might. I see that this is Your will and purpose for me. I recognize that it is essential to put on the armor that You have provided, and I do so now with gratitude and praise that You have provided all I need to stand in victory against the adversary and his kingdom. Grant me wisdom to discern the tactics and sneakiness of Satan's strategy against me. Enable me to wrestle in victory against the princes, powers, rulers, and wicked spirits who carry the battle of darkness against me. I am pleased and honored to take the armor You have provided and by faith to put it on as effective spiritual protection against the spiritual forces of darkness in heavenly and earthly places. I confidently take the loin girdle of truth that You offer me. I take Him who is the truth as my strength and protection. I reject Satan's lies and deceiving ways to gain advantage against me. Grant me discernment and wisdom to recognize the subtle deceiving ways in which Satan seeks to cause me to accept his lies as truth. I desire to believe only the truth, to live the truth, to speak the truth, and to know the truth. I worship and praise You that You lead me only in the ways of truth. Thank You that Satan cannot stand against the bold use of truth. Thank You for the breastplate of righteousness which you offer me. I eagerly accept it and put it on as my protection. Thank You for reminding me again that all of my righteousness comes from You. I embrace that righteousness which is mine by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is His righteousness that is mine through justification. I reject and repudiate all trust in my own righteousness which is as filthy rags. I ask You to cleanse me of all the times I have counted my own goodness as being acceptable before You. I bring the righteousness of my Lord directly against all of Satan's workings against me. I express my desire to walk in righteousness before God today. I depend upon the fact the righteousness of my Lord to be my protection. Thank You, Lord, for the sandals of peace You have provided. I desire that my feet should stand on the solid rock of the peace that You have provided. I claim the peace of God. I desire the peace of God which touches my emotions and feelings through prayer. Thank You that as I walk in obedience to You that the God of peace promises to walk with me (Phil.4:6-9), that as the God of peace You are putting Satan under my feet (Rom. 16:20). I will share this good news of peace with all others today that Your Spirit will bring into my life and witness. Eagerly, Lord, I lift up the shield of faith against all the fiery dart that Satan and his hosts fire at me. I recognize that You are my shield and that in Your crucifixion and incarnation. You took the arrows of Satan which I deserved. By faith I count upon You to shield me from above and beneath; on my right and my left; in front of me and behind me, that I might be protected, walled in by You that Satan may gain no way to hurt or destroy me from fulfilling Your will in my life. I know that any fiery darts of Satan You wish to touch me should do so, but I shall look upon them as refining fires permitted in Your providence for my refining and glory (1 Pet. 1). Thank You, Lord, that You are a complete and perfect shield and that Satan cannot touch me apart from Your sovereign purpose. I recognize that my mind is a particular target of Satan's deceiving ways. I take from You the helmet of salvation. I cover my mind, my thoughts, with Your salvation. I recognize that the Lord Jesus Christ is my salvation. I helmet my head with Him. I invite His mind to be in me. Let me think His thoughts, feel His love and compassion, and discern His will and leading in all things. Let my mind be occupied with the continuing, daily, saving work of my Lord in and through my life. May the salvation of my Lord meet and defeat all Satanic thoughts that come to my mind. With joy I take hold upon the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. I affirm that Your Word is the trustworthy, infallible Word of God. I choose to believe it and to live in its truth and power. Grant me the love for Your Word which comes from the Holy Spirit. Forgive and cleanse me from the sin of neglecting Your Word. Enable me to memorize it and to meditate upon its truth. Grant me the ability to proficiently recall and use Your Word against all of Satan's subtle attacks against me, even as my Lord Jesus Christ used the Word against Satan. Enable me to use Your Word not only to defend me from Satan but also to claim its promises and to wield the sword strong against Satan to defeat him, to push him back, to take away from him ground he claims, and to win great victories for my God through Your Word. Help me to keep this armor well oiled with prayer. I desire to pray at all times with depth and intensity as the Holy Spirit leads me. I reject all fleshly praying. I trust the Holy Spirit to enable me, to intercede for me and through me, grant me a great burden for others in God's family. Enable me to see their needs and to assist them through prayer as the enemy attacks them. All of these petitions, intercessions, and words of praise I offer up before the true and living God in the name of my Lord, Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. If you are need of prayer, you can reach us 678.383.2885, submit a request via our Connect Form or you may email us at [email protected]. Your request will be placed on our Prayer Wall. 1/31/2013 2 Comments Break the Curse.....Shaneil BrownTestament ThursdayTestament is defined as proof or to be a witness. And the "Break the Curse"Change is inevitably hard, but God. I always knew I had to be in his will however, I made choices and decisions contrary to His will. Growing up both of my parents were absent due to their own issues. My maternal grandmother raised me and loved me unconditionally. She always kept me in church and taught me all I needed to know about salvation. I had everything I could ever want. However, I still yearned and searched for the love that my parents didn't give me. I had my first child at the age of 19. May 2001, I walked across the stage four months pregnant determined to do what some said I couldn't do was to graduate, raise my daughter and enjoy life. I felt like I owed my daughter what my parents never gave me. But, my relationship with my daughter’s father didn't make it a year after her birth. I was so hurt and bitter I told him that, “I would never be with another man.” My words really didn't have much meaning to me when I said them. At least that’s what I thought. But as Proverbs 18:21 says, “Life and death are in the power of the tongue." As I look back, I realize what I spoke into my life. As Christians, we must be careful what we speak into our lives. What I spoke quickly came into existence. I begin to reach out and change my circle of friends. I started going to alternative clubs and seeking any and every thing to numb my pain. I begin to date women. I got so deep into this lifestyle I avoided some of my family. I particularly avoided my paternal grandmother who was a Pastor. I knew she would love me despite my lifestyle choices, but I also knew she wasn't going to play any games and she was going to bring to me the unadulterated truth. December 5, 2008, changed everything for me. I received the official call that my paternal grandmother was called home to heaven. I knew how hard she worked to get there, however, I was sad and extremely hurt. Words will never explain the pain. When I came home from Miami, where my grandmother closed her eyes; I knew my life had to change. I knew that all that I was taught and believed was not displayed in my lifestyle. And the woman I had been dating almost five years was right by my side. I had to pray and build courage to tell her I could no longer be in a relationship with her. I could not only hear my grandmother, but see her. She didn't haunt me, but she spoke into my life more than she ever had while she was living. At the time, I felt like I had everything to lose and so much to gain. I ended the romantic relationship with that young lady, but I maintain a platonic and friendly relationship with her. In this decision I broke a generational curse. You see my mother also experienced an alternative lifestyle. I saw her living this when I was younger. By letting go of my pain and the hurt and letting GOD become the center of my life, I broke a generational curse over me, my daughter and my future seeds. I encourage anyone who is living and doing anything that keeps them bound to pray, seek God, and most importantly develop your own relationship with him. He will be your mother, father, friend, lover, your all and all; only if you let him. Shaneil Brown is a member of Powerful Forces consisting of two other brilliant young ladies, Dosheia Mitchell & Nikki Richardson. They are from diverse backgrounds and have come together to spread awareness on life's experiences and struggles to other young women and men. They are on a mission to uplift teenagers and young women thru public speaking and written literature. You will be able to read more of Shaneil's story thru their soon to be published book titled "Young, Dumb, and Naive". You can read more about these "powerful forces" via their website: http://powerfulforces.webs.com |
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