1/8/2013 0 Comments "Only by Fasting and Praying"This is the first Intercession Tuesday of 2013 and we are preparing for our corporate fast, “21 Days Daniel Fast…Growing Deeper”. It will begin on sundown Thursday, January 10, 2013. And as we prepare for the fast, we would like to address how prayer is an important facet of fasting. In our society fasting has become a tool that is used mainly alone as it reaps major health benefits. At the beginning of a New Year many use it to jumpstart a healthy eating plan. Although there are many health benefits to fasting; fasting can be much more than a health benefit in one’s life. When you study the Scriptures, you’ll find that when people fasted it was for a purpose — not just a religious exercise or for a health benefit. In the New Testament, people would fast when they needed guidance or answers to prayers. Many times, when the Scripture used the words “by prayer and supplication” it likely referred to fasting. However another biblical tool to a breakthrough that many do not use is prayer. When we join fasting with prayer we have acquired a mighty weapon of spiritual warfare. Prayer alone is powerful because it is human weakness deferring to God’s strength. As James write, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16). When the righteous pray fervently, God’s power is released to accomplish much. But, what about those times when the cares of life distract us from seeing our righteous standing before God through Christ and cause us to pray weak prayers that bounce back at us? In such times, our prayers need help. We need a breakthrough in our prayer lives. Mark writes in 9:29 that “This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.” This means that to obtain victory and power over a situation that has such a stronghold that ordinary pains are not successful one must refer to unordinary measures. And that is fasting and prayer. When fasting and prayer are combined it can bring a revival, reap a harvest, take us deeper in Christ; it can debunk our doubt and unbelief, it will develop a powerful prayer life, re-empower our lives, break chains and bring victory. Fasting and praying is not just a discipline for bringing problems to God to be fixed. It is also an expression of the heart’s longing for a greater DEEPER intimacy in our walk with Him. It is to set aside our physical appetites and the time required to prepare meals in order to focus more of our time and attention upon the Lord.
As you prepare for your Daniel Fast, what will be your purpose? Are feeling estranged from God? Are you feeling weak and vulnerable? Are you hanging on by thread? Is a relationship causing stress and tension in your life? Do you need wisdom to make better decisions in 2013? Is there sickness or a illness that needs healing? Are you asking God to bless you with children? Do you need for a loved one to be saved? Is your family going awry? Do you have financial pressures? Do you need a new job or help with your business or ministry? Take some time and write down your needs and your purpose for fasting. These will be your subjects of prayer and Bible study. Amazing things happen during times of prayer and fasting! Seek the Lord. He is our Holy God! The Almighty. I believe the power of fasting as it relates to prayer is the spiritual atomic bomb that our Lord has given us to destroy the strongholds of evil and usher in a great revival and spiritual harvest around the world. And nothing is impossible for Him. Call on the Name of the Lord! Prayer and Fasting opens the doors of our lives so the Lord can perform His works. Fast with a purpose! And see what the Lord will do! PRAY, BELIEVE, RECEIVE! (Mark 11:24) ◊Intercession Prayer◊ Heavenly Father, as I embrace this New Year I am committing to giving you the first of my fruits. I commit to giving you a small part of my life, 21 days, humbly submitting myself to you Lord to fast and pray. I know that this is a small sacrifice to the one who created my life. I commit Lord to setting time aside to pray so that I can hear from you to give me instructions how to do your will and live in your purpose in 2013. Dear Lord, I desire a deeper and more meaningful relationship You in this New Year. I desire to go deeper in you, to get closer to you. I want to get lost with You in Your secret place, far from the distractions of this world and where the enemy can’t find me. In this place I know that chains are broken, I can receive a breakthrough and a spiritual revival can take place in my home, my job, my community, in the nation and in the world. And in Jesus Name, by the power of the blood shed on the cross, by the authority of God’s precious Word, I proclaim and declare mighty blessings upon my life, my present and my future, and all that pertains to my life, my health, my home, my finances, my friends, my neighbors, my church, my community, my country, my job, my ministry and everything and everyone else associated with my life. I claim strength, blessing, health honor and protection. I proclaim this year to be a year of new opportunities, favor, blessing, new spiritual power, increase, expansion, fresh ideas, fresh anointing, great passion and great momentum for the glory of God. I declare Jesus Christ as Lord of my life, King of my heart, and Redeemer of my soul. I release 2013 to You Father and I trust in your plan and purpose for my life. Give me the strength, commitment and passion to complete these 21 days and I pray that once this fast is complete that I receive and walk in the wisdom to complete the will and purpose You have predestined for my life but most importantly I pray that you receive all the glory from life. In You I will I trust. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
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