9/30/2014 0 Comments The Power of Words![]() We can speak words about ourselves and others containing curses and spiritual death without realizing what we are doing. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”. We need to practice the Words of God, speaking in love, with patience and kindness in every sentence. When our own words align with the Words of God we have a special connection to God. Our words truly have the power of life and death. We must be very careful about what we say and how we say it. It’s easy to put voice to our feelings and thoughts, but are those thoughts “captive to the obedience of Christ” (1 Corinthians 10:5)? If our thoughts are Godly, then we should speak those words of life. But, if our thoughts are birthed out of our own soul or from the enemy, then we cannot give those thoughts a voice. We must guard our mouth and avoid speaking anything that does not produce life in us and in those around us. James compares our tongue to the rudder on a ship (v3:6). This rudder, though it be very small, guides and directs this giant vessel. There is tremendous power that pushes the ship through the water, but it’s the rudder that guides and tells it where to go. So it is with our tongue–our entire life is guided and directed by our tongue. Stop guiding your life with words that are negative and condemning Instead, start lining your words up with God’s Word and release the power of His Word to work for you. ![]() Instead of speaking lack and poverty, say, “God’s Word tells me that the good things are already here. I therefore pronounce my life blessed. I pronounce my life prosperous. I pronounce my life great. Darkness and gloom, poverty and sickness, defeat and depression, will not be in my life!” Instead of speaking sickness and death, say, “I will live a long life. I will not die young. Jesus died for me so that I can live long for Him. I am the righteousness of God in Christ and God’s Word declares that no evil befalls the righteous. So no evil will come on me now and in the future!” Instead of speaking fear over your children, say, “God’s Word declares that the seed of the righteous shall be delivered. Therefore, my children are delivered from every curse, every power of darkness and every evil. In the name of Jesus, I call forth a great, bright and blessed future for my children!” God wants you to have a life filled with good days and an abundance of every good thing. So say, “In the name of Jesus, I command blessings, favor, health, prosperity, protection, dominion and power to fill my life!” Loose the power and effects of any word curses you have spoken upon yourself and others, whether unbeknownst or in anger. Repent of having spoken evil words, remembering that to repent means to turn away from ever speaking such evil words again. If you have spoken negative words about your children, your finances, your health, your spouse, your life or your relationship with God – get on your knees alone and bind these to the Will of God and loose the power and effects of any wrong words you have spoken. Pray today bind and loose the power and effects of any wrong words spoken about you or to you or about anyone and begin to speak God's power and life from your mouth! Enter in to Prayer Dear Heavenly Father,
9/23/2014 0 Comments A Family United through Prayer![]() An important key to our happiness and success in life is having a healthy and functioning family structure. But so many families today are at odds; not speaking to one another or holding grudges fueling bitterness and unforgiveness. Our Heavenly Father wants us to have strong, loving families and one of the great helps he has given us to achieve this is family prayer. Ephesians 1:5 says, "God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure." When God created humans, he designed us to live in families. Family relationships, therefore, are important to God. Even the church, the universal body of believers, is called the "family" of God. When we receive God's Spirit at salvation, we are adopted into his family. We come to this earth charged with a mission: to learn to love and serve one another. To best help us accomplish this, God has placed us in families, for he knows that is where we can best learn to overcome selfishness, insincerity and pride. We learn how to sacrifice for others and to make happiness, helpfulness, humility and love the very essence of our character. We learn that friends and neighbors come and go but family is forever, and as we learn this, we find that we are eternally our brother’s keeper and we begin to realize how much help we need. All of us, single or married, are eternally part of some family—someway, somewhere, somehow—and much of our joy in life comes as we correctly recognize and properly develop those family relationships. We develop, maintain and learn how to properly deal with these relationships through prayer. Prayer in the family is most important. It is that special time when we invite God to be a constant Presence in our family. To be the Head and the King of our family. It does not mean the absence of tough times but it means grace to stand and overcome tough times. It does not mean the absence of quarrels and troubles but it prepares us on how to handle every challenge as a Christian family and above all it constantly reminds us we are one and should remain one. My family has experienced its fair share of arguments and troubles in the past five years, and we have held on to prayer even more. Some relationships have been developed and strengthened while others have grown distant or are non existent. But that does not stop me from praying for my family. You know the sayings that says that a family that prays together stays together is true - a family that has their focus on praying to the Lord Jesus Christ has a foundation that may be shaken at times, but it will withstand all that comes against them. Intercession Tuesday Father, we thank you for blessing us with our family. We thank you for the gift of family. We acknowledge that our image and name as family come from you. We believe that within our family lies You. We affirm that it is in this household of faith that we experience your presence, your forgiveness, and your love. 9/16/2014 1 Comment Break The Cycle!Have you ever seen a family where the father has a problem with uncontrollable anger, his son seems to have been handed the same issue, and the grandfather had the same problem? Or have you noticed that not only do you suffer from something such as persistent irrational fears or depression, but your mother and her father also suffered from it as well? This is beyond learned behavior; many children learn to be messy if their parents are messy. This is a spiritual bondage that is passed down from one generation to another and is considered a generational curse. Some symptoms of a generational curse is a continual negative pattern of something being handed down from generation to generation. Often people who are adopted end up with the same characteristics as their birth parents, not because they were around their birth parents to learn the behavior but because they inherited their spiritual bondage. Some common symptoms of generational curses are family illnesses that seem to just go from one person down to the next , continual financial difficulties, mental problems, and depression. Anything that seems to be a persistent struggle or problem that was handed down from one generation to another may very well be a generational curse. There are other things that can seem like generational curses, but aren't. Perhaps the most common is if there is an ungodly soul tie formed between you and one of your ancestors, that can also allow for the transferring of spirits. Generational curses are many times are triggered by an opened door in our life. It's important that we clear up any legal grounds or strongholds that we have given the enemy in your own life relating to the bondage. Unforgiveness is a great way to trigger generational spirits. Unforgiveness is a serious sin that blocks the forgiveness of your own sins (Matthew 6:15), which creates ample grounds for the enemy in our life. Unforgiveness in itself puts us into the enemy's hands (Matthew 18:23-35). The good news is that once you accept Jesus, the transference of bondage stops from your ancestors by means of generational curses. You can no longer receive spiritual bondages in this manner from your parents once you accept Jesus! Christ came as a curse to free us from the curses that sin (both our sins and those of our forefathers) has brought us. Galatians 3:13 says, "But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.” Once you become a child of God, no longer will the sins of your forefathers cause curses to transfer into your life. So how you deal with a spirit that has entered through a generational curse is very simple, Mark 16:17 says that, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils…" We know that our generational curses have been broken in Jesus' name, but we still need to verbally confess cast out and renounce these curses, because there's power in our verbal confessions and prayer, and it helps us to realize that we are set free, and also lets the enemy know that he's in trouble! Enter into PrayHeavenly Father, I come to You now in the Name of my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You are the Son of God; that You died on the cross for my sins; that God raised You from the dead and You ascended to heaven. Heavenly Father, I repent of any sins in my life and my ancestors’ lives, going back 25 generations, that have resulted in a curse or curses on me, or on my family. I repent of all and any sins of: not keeping Your commandments: having other gods before You; making or buying images, bowing down to or serving images; for taking the Lord my God’s Name in vain; not honoring my father and/or mother; murder; adultery; stealing; bearing false witness; coveting a neighbor’s spouse, house, land, or anything that is my neighbor’s; not loving You with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my mind; not loving my neighbor as myself, or not loving myself. I ask Your forgiveness and cleansing through the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father, I repent of all of my sins and I thank You for forgiving me . 9/9/2014 0 Comments Blessings Follow Obedience![]() When we speak of prosperity, we are not speaking of just natural, tangible blessings, but we are speaking of spiritual blessings as well. And to be able to live in the full abundant and overflowing blessings, one must walk in obedience. This is the key to living a blessed life. We all have heard the passage of scripture that says, "For obedience is better than sacrifices," ~1 Samuel 15:22 Why is obedience so much better than sacrifice? In the passage of scripture Saul had heard the word of the Lord, but thought he had a better idea. God instructed him to destroy the Amalekites completely, taking no spoils from the war, but instead Saul spared the best of the sheep and cattle “to sacrifice to the Lord.” This might seem like a noble gesture on Saul’s part, wanting to sacrifice to the Lord… so why does Samuel make such a big deal out of this? Sacrifice in this sense is actually an attempt to gain independence from God. Sometimes we feel like Saul, if we sacrifice for him, than we have put him in our debt. If we sacrifice for God, he owes us something (so we think). Sacrifice is a way of “buying” whatever we want to get from God (protection, deliverance, provision, favor), while at the same time remaining independent from him. “God, look at all I’ve done for you! You owe me this, it’s only fair!” we say. We demand our goodies from God, but we retain our right to do what we want with our lives. We just need to make sure we throw a few sacrifices God’s way every once in a while to keep him at bay. This is the attitude of sacrifice that Saul personified. We get so wrapped up in the sacrifice that we forget the purpose of giving and why we are doing it. As we give (sacrifice) we are not looking to God to owe us anything. We are sacrificing to show our obedient love. Obedience, is the response of someone who is in a relationship of trust with God. We trust God, we depend on him, we are interactive with Him, He takes the lead. Obedience is better than sacrifice because we are letting God be God and staying in our proper place with him, the place of dependence and surrender to his goodness. This kind of obedience (as a response to divine love) always leads to intimacy and dependence. Let's pray today that your will be broken so that you can live in obedience to the Almighty as your prosperity, blessings, freedom, and favor is found not in your sacrifice but in your obedience. Enter into PrayerHeavenly Father I come to You in Jesus Christ's Holy Name, I renew and give my total allegiance to You, Lord Jesus Christ. Father God and Holy Spirit, make me fresh and a new today and for the rest of my life, to do Your work, to do Your will and obey You at all times. I give my life, and all that is in it, as a living sacrifice, unto You which is my reasonable service, that first and foremost, all that I am would be a glory, honor and praise unto You. I commit my life and all that is in it to You, to do your good works, and to have and be in Your total desire, will and presence so that I will, I am and I will be transformed into Your total likeness in Jesus Christ's Holy Name. 9/2/2014 0 Comments Command Your Blessings!What does it mean to be blessed? Sometimes we may think of blessings in such general, vague terms that they lose part of their significance. Here is a selection of meanings for blessing:
We must realize, you and I are Kingdom people privileged to release blessings over ourselves, loved ones, enemies, situations, institutions, territories. In a world where the negative is dominant everywhere, what kind of change could you effect if you became a serious dispenser of blessing? Positive overwhelms negative and light dispels darkness. Why would we hold back? If you and I commit today to more seriously releasing blessings as part of our prayer life, as part of our faith walk, we will take our places among those world changers who know this secret. Get started blessing today and pray with us. Let God’s creative power be released through His Word. God spoke creation into existence. Our universe is increasing as you read this. What God spoke in the beginning is still moving, creating, blessing. Isaiah 55:11 says, "So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." If you pray blessings today and don’t see results by evening, don’t believe that you prayed in vain. Sometimes we see immediate results, immediate watering of a life or situation but sometimes we don't. You just release scripture prayer. Pray the truth and blessings of God’s Word and you pray not only out of your own heart and intent, but out of the heart and intent of God. The power of Heaven is released in response to your prayer-blessings and the power of the blessing does not stop until its purpose is accomplished. Enter into your place of commanded blessings which is a place of supernatural abundance. And when you are in obedience to God and His Word, you are able to command the blessing upon your life. You can only bless what God has already blessed! And no one can curse what God has blessed! Speak to your blessing—speak to your harvest—and you will see the blessings of God come on you and overtake you! When you are in the place of the commanded blessing you don't have to worry about your provision—the blessing is inevitable. Enter into Prayer Heavenly Father, in Christ Jesus’ Holy Name; I thank You for Your Word in Numbers 6:23-26. Heavenly Father, I pray that You will bless me and that You will keep me . I pray that You will make Your Face shine upon me and be gracious to me. I pray that You will lift up Your countenance upon me and fill me with Your Peace. Lord Jesus, I thank You for blessing me. Heavenly Father, I ask You to cleanse my mind with the Blood of the Lord Christ Jesus of all thoughts and preconceived ideas that do not conform to Your will and destiny for my life and the way You want me to believe and think. Lord Jesus, I ask You to prevent my mind from deceiving me in any way. |
IntercessionPrayer is the expression of man’s dependence upon God and his confidence in Him. When God answers prayer, He magnifies His faithfulness. Prayer is releasing the energies of God and asking God to do what we cannot do. Prayer is the breathing and panting of the Spirit after God. Prayer is a soul struggle. It is the hardest work God has given His children, but it is their most important work. If you have a Archives
August 2015
CategoriesAll A Prayer Of Praise & Thanksgiving Back To School Includes Prayer Back To School Prayers Be Thankful! Blessings Are Found In Obedience Blessings Follow Obedience Break The Cycle Broken And Blessed Can You Change Your DNA? Command Your Blessings Control Yourself Decree & Declare: By His Stripes…. Fear Is A Liar Freedom To Gain Access To The Open Door Get Your House In Order! Give Me Your Wisdom Heal My Grieving Heart Help I Ask That You Help Me Lord! I Declare And I Decree I Need Your Help It's A Good Thing To Give Thanks. Life Hurts. Time Passes. He Heals. Living Single: Seeking God's Will ForMarriage Loosed & Lifted: The Spirit Of Infirmity Lord Marriage: The Good Bad And The Ugly New Season Peace In The Midst Of His Will Pick Up Your Sword Plug Into God's Power Power Of Your Spoken Word Pray Pray Against Deception And Manipulation Pray Blessings! Pray For The President Of The United States Praying Big & Audacious Prayers For Your Child Praying For Families So That They Can Withstand Pray The Door Shut! Prosperity In TheBody Purpose In Betrayal Self Control For An Uncontrollably Blessed Future! Soul And Spirit Prosperity Speak Prosperity The Battle? Yours. Your Weapon? The Sword Of The Spirit The Power Of Affirmation The Power Of Praying Wife Throwing Shade Want The Blessed Life? It's Found In Obedience When You Come To The End Of Yourself! Where God Guides…He Provides Work And Enjoy The Journey In The Wait You Can't Afford To Stop Praying |