2/19/2013 0 Comments Speak PROSPERITY![]() Throughout the Bible, we see that God has a lot to say about finances. God wanted to be involved with Abraham's finances, and He wants to be involved in yours. There are some fundamental principles associated with Abraham's prosperity: ~"And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold." Genesis 13:2 ~"He listened to, and obeyed God". Genesis 12:1-4 ~"He honored God, who prospered him." Genesis 12:7 ~"He was generous, and avoided strife." Genesis 13:5-9 ~"He was compassionate toward others." Genesis 18:24-33 As you can see Abraham was prosperous, generous, compassionate, peaceful and obedient. And because he possessed these attributes God blessed him and future generations. If you want God to be involved in your finances and prosper you as Abraham, you must honor these basic principles. You cannot be greedy and truly prosper. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have abundance for yourself and your family, but giving to God and being generous to others is part of the spiritual law. However, most Christians are defeated in their finances, living paycheck to paycheck, not living in the overflowing abundant blessings and prosperity that we inherited as believers, looking to the world as the standard and gauge for wealth and prosperity. And we are defeated because we believe and confess the words of the enemy that we will never have anything, that we will never amount to anything, and that we will always have just enough. These words have us in bondage, shackled and chained. God has given us His Word so that we can understand these spiritual laws. When you speak negatively about your financial situation, you have what you say and believe. Words are powerful, but God word is full of creative POWER. When you agree with what God has said about you and your prosperity, speaking His Word, your circumstances will begin to change and the chains will be broken over finances! You can have what you say and believe. With your words you speak life or death, poverty or riches, sickness or health. You may tithe 10%, work hard, and pray for prosperity every day, but if your words are negative and contrary to God's Word, you could stay in debt, struggling to make ends meet. When you work with these laws, they work for you. When you work against God's spiritual laws, they work against you. Let's pray today that you begin to work with these spiritual laws so that you can live in prosperity. Speak PROSPERITY! Intercession PrayerHeavenly Father, I come to You now in the name of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Holy Spirit I ask that You will quicken me to hear our Heavenly Father's voice and lead me in prayer. Heavenly Father I bow and worship before You. I come to You with praise and thanksgiving. I come to you in humility, in fear and in trembling. I come to You in gratitude, asking for forgiveness for speaking death in my finances and over my life. I repent and commit today to speaking life, prosperity and blessing over my life, home, marriage, children and finances.
IntercessionPrayer is the expression of man’s dependence upon God and his confidence in Him. When God answers prayer, He magnifies His faithfulness. Prayer is releasing the energies of God and asking God to do what we cannot do. Prayer is the breathing and panting of the Spirit after God. Prayer is a soul struggle. It is the hardest work God has given His children, but it is their most important work. If you have a Archives
August 2015
CategoriesAll A Prayer Of Praise & Thanksgiving Back To School Includes Prayer Back To School Prayers Be Thankful! Blessings Are Found In Obedience Blessings Follow Obedience Break The Cycle Broken And Blessed Can You Change Your DNA? Command Your Blessings Control Yourself Decree & Declare: By His Stripes…. Fear Is A Liar Freedom To Gain Access To The Open Door Get Your House In Order! Give Me Your Wisdom Heal My Grieving Heart Help I Ask That You Help Me Lord! I Declare And I Decree I Need Your Help It's A Good Thing To Give Thanks. Life Hurts. Time Passes. He Heals. Living Single: Seeking God's Will ForMarriage Loosed & Lifted: The Spirit Of Infirmity Lord Marriage: The Good Bad And The Ugly New Season Peace In The Midst Of His Will Pick Up Your Sword Plug Into God's Power Power Of Your Spoken Word Pray Pray Against Deception And Manipulation Pray Blessings! Pray For The President Of The United States Praying Big & Audacious Prayers For Your Child Praying For Families So That They Can Withstand Pray The Door Shut! Prosperity In TheBody Purpose In Betrayal Self Control For An Uncontrollably Blessed Future! Soul And Spirit Prosperity Speak Prosperity The Battle? Yours. Your Weapon? The Sword Of The Spirit The Power Of Affirmation The Power Of Praying Wife Throwing Shade Want The Blessed Life? It's Found In Obedience When You Come To The End Of Yourself! Where God Guides…He Provides Work And Enjoy The Journey In The Wait You Can't Afford To Stop Praying |