![]() The soul of the Christian is of principal interest to satan. He will use thoughts and arguments to distract us from our faith. But we have a weapon that we seldom use but is very powerful. "And the sword of the spirit which is the word of God" ~ Ephesians 6:17 A sword is an unmistakable weapon of offense. No doubt that it can also be used as a tool for defense. This however is no ordinary sword. This sword is made of the Spirit and the Word. In spiritual warfare the battles are fought with words. Words packed and backed up with the Spirit of God. And God's Word is truth, plain and simple. We can have perfect confidence in the fact that His words are accurate, true and unerring. When followed, they guide us without fail in the paths that we need to walk and will win the battles we need to win. There is no enemy the Word of God, coupled with His Spirit, cannot defeat. And so, armed only with our sword, we step out to fight our enemies head-on. The struggle is real. It is immediate, and it is in front of us. Our future in God's Kingdom is on the line, and we take up the battle so that we may hold fast to the future He has promised us. We fight knowing the end of the story and stand on one of the many powerful and sure promises in God's Word tell us: But he who endures to the end shall be saved. ~Matthew 24:13 What a powerful and sure promise in God's Word, it tell us that if we remain dedicated to God and His Word, we will make it to the end, and we will be saved. There is no doubt in this statement. So take up your sword. The battle is ours. Intercessory PrayerHeavenly Father, I now put in each of our hands the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, which we choose to use against all forces of evil. I declare that we defeat the enemy with the Word of God as the Spirit of God leads us according to Revelation 19:11-16. I put away murmuring, complaining, condemning and criticizing from each of us. I thank You that You are OUR AUTHORITY, JESUS and THE LORD OF HOSTS, JEHOVAH SABBOATH. I now take the Sword of the Spirit and use the authority that God has ordained me with according to Luke 9:1, for we have been given power and authority over all the devils and demons, to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy according to Luke 10:19.
IntercessionPrayer is the expression of man’s dependence upon God and his confidence in Him. When God answers prayer, He magnifies His faithfulness. Prayer is releasing the energies of God and asking God to do what we cannot do. Prayer is the breathing and panting of the Spirit after God. Prayer is a soul struggle. It is the hardest work God has given His children, but it is their most important work. If you have a Archives
August 2015
CategoriesAll A Prayer Of Praise & Thanksgiving Back To School Includes Prayer Back To School Prayers Be Thankful! Blessings Are Found In Obedience Blessings Follow Obedience Break The Cycle Broken And Blessed Can You Change Your DNA? Command Your Blessings Control Yourself Decree & Declare: By His Stripes…. Fear Is A Liar Freedom To Gain Access To The Open Door Get Your House In Order! Give Me Your Wisdom Heal My Grieving Heart Help I Ask That You Help Me Lord! I Declare And I Decree I Need Your Help It's A Good Thing To Give Thanks. Life Hurts. Time Passes. He Heals. Living Single: Seeking God's Will ForMarriage Loosed & Lifted: The Spirit Of Infirmity Lord Marriage: The Good Bad And The Ugly New Season Peace In The Midst Of His Will Pick Up Your Sword Plug Into God's Power Power Of Your Spoken Word Pray Pray Against Deception And Manipulation Pray Blessings! Pray For The President Of The United States Praying Big & Audacious Prayers For Your Child Praying For Families So That They Can Withstand Pray The Door Shut! Prosperity In TheBody Purpose In Betrayal Self Control For An Uncontrollably Blessed Future! Soul And Spirit Prosperity Speak Prosperity The Battle? Yours. Your Weapon? The Sword Of The Spirit The Power Of Affirmation The Power Of Praying Wife Throwing Shade Want The Blessed Life? It's Found In Obedience When You Come To The End Of Yourself! Where God Guides…He Provides Work And Enjoy The Journey In The Wait You Can't Afford To Stop Praying |