11/20/2013 7 Comments I Declare and I DecreeThou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. ~Job 22:28 We have often heard and read this passage of scripture but have you meditated on the meaning of this powerful word. Yes, I know that the prosperity gospel and the word-of-faith movement has done a lot of damage to believers in the faith. Believers have been indoctrinated into believing that they can speak things into existence and it has lured believers into thinking they are almost on an equal par with God. If we could just “declare and decree” things so that they happen or don’t happen, where is the dependence on God come in to this? How are we meant to trust in God as the bible says we should? Christ said if we ask anything in His name then it shall be done (John 14:13-14). We should not mistake positive confession with trusting and having faith in God. Let's analyze truly how to decree and declare according to God's Word. According to the dictionary decree is defined as a rule of law issued by a head of state. It has the force of the law. In biblical times, the King had the authority to make decrees. The decree was a written document and would be very specific and clear about that subject matter. It was law and had to be carried out according to the King's wishes and failure to obey the decree was punishable. The word established means: to set up on a firm or permanent basis, to achieve permanent acceptance or recognition for, to show, reveal to be true based upon the facts. Now, let us look at the definition for declare. Declare to make known or state clearly, especially in explicit or formal terms: to declare one's position in a controversy; to announce officially; proclaim: to declare a state of emergency; to declare a winner. To state emphatically to show, reveal, or manifest: the heavens declare the glory of God. Job 22:28 says that, "Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways". The person making the decree must be in a position of power and authority to do so. When you are a child of the Most High, He has given you have the power and authority to make a decree and expect that they will be carried out. You shall decree, the power is yours, state your case and write out the conditions regarding your home, family, ministry and all that concern you. The words that you speak will be established. That means it will be manifested, revealed and shown to be true, as you have spoken it. Let's take a look at an example from Scripture. Ezekiel 37:4 says, “Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!” So God told Ezekiel to prophesy to dry bones. But again if you continue to read, you will realize that God was the One in charge here not Ezekiel. “ This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’(Ezekiel 37:5-6) And so Ezekiel, a mere man, prophesied as God commanded him. And because it was God’s Word the bones came into life! “So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them". The word of God is life, it is quick and it is powerful. It is truth, it corrects, it enlightens, it heals, it delivers and it brings visible results. It does not return without accomplishing that which it was sent to do. (Isaiah 55:11). We are to hide scripture in our heart and meditate on it daily, holding on to God’s promises for those who are in Him and those who He is in. But we cannot misinterpret scripture to make us not need to depend on Him. God said trust in Him and He will provide for us. God’s written word is His decree, and we should declare it aloud and give it voice each and every day. There is great power in your mouth. Use it!! Decree and Declare Prayer Heavenly Father, I come to You now in the Name of my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. I thank You that the prayer I make to You, that You will hear me. Father, I thank You that when I decree, declare and proclaim a thing; that You will establish it for me and light will shine on my ways according to Job 22:27-28.
11/19/2013 01:11:55 pm
I needed this!!!
11/19/2013 01:32:57 pm
We are so glad to be able to feed your soul today!
Apostle Audrey Celestine
6/28/2014 02:44:43 am
To God Alone Be The Glory! Thanks for Refreshing prayers based on the soundness of the Logos word of the Bible. May this site touch the lives of all the seek and find it in Jesus's Christ Holy Precious Name, Amen. Truly continue to Anoint and Bless the individuals Associated with Sanctuary Ministries in Jesus Christ of Nazareth Name Amen!! Awesome Ordained Site
2/21/2015 07:48:25 am
Indeed God works in a mysterious way, I never knew about this site but I believe God led me to it cos I just wanted to know about the meaning of decree and declare but ended up knowing more than I bargained for. What an awesome site, may the merciful Lord give you strength to continue the good work!
11/2/2019 02:30:39 pm
Thank you for all your prayers which are based God's word of truth.
Jean Menefee-Atkins
2/18/2020 12:42:00 pm
Love this. Just what I was looking for. Praise God.
T Young
6/21/2023 11:11:10 pm
Thank you for this blessed website to help me establish God's declaration and decree on this earth from us believe with our heart into righteousness and decree with our mouth unto salvation
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