8/20/2013 0 Comments Mountain Moving Faith'Then he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ “‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’ - Luke 13:6-9
Why did Jesus curse a fig tree? Fig trees were a common and important source of food for the Jews. Bad figs or a decaying fig tree was linked with evil deeds and spiritual decay. The unfruitful fig tree symbolized the outcome of Israel's unresponsiveness to the word of God. The prophets depicted the languishing fig tree as signifying the desolation and calamity of Israel due to her unfaithfulness to God (see Joel 1:7,12; Habakuk 3:17; and Jeremiah 8:13). The history of Israel is one long preparation for the coming of the Promised One. But the promise is unfulfilled in those who reject Jesus through unbelief. Jesus’ cursing of a fig tree is a prophetic action against the faithlessness of those who rejected his message. For faith to be fruitful and productive, it must be nourished with the word of God (2 Tim. 3:16; Col. 3:16)and be rooted in love (Galatians 5:6). Jesus’ cleansing of the temple was another prophetic action. In this incident we see Jesus' startling and swift action in cleansing the temple of those who were using it to exploit the worshipers of God. The money changers took advantage of the poor and forced them to pay many times more than was right– in the house of the Lord no less! Their robbery of the poor was not only dishonoring to God but unjust toward their neighbor. In justification for his audacious action Jesus quotes from the prophets Isaiah (56:7) and Jeremiah (7:11). His act of judgment aims to purify the worship of God's people and to discipline their erroneous ways. After this incident Jesus exhorts his disciples to “have faith in God”. They are to pray with expectant faith no matter how difficult the situation may be. The phrase “to remove mountains” was a common Jewish expression for removing difficulties. A wise teacher who could solve difficulties was called a “mountain remover”. If we pray with faith God will give us the means to overcome difficulties and obstacles. If we want God to hear our prayers we must forgive those who wrong us as God has forgiven us. Do you pray with expectant faith? Do you want to be a "mountain remover"? Pray today that God will give mountain moving faith.
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His Goodness We are told to “be of the same mind toward one another” which means essentially that we must develop and maintain the mind of Christ or God’s thoughts. But if our thoughts are contrary to God’s, then we must exchange our thinking with God’s and for that process, He has given us His inspired, inerrant, and authoritative Word. So what is our need? We are to study the Scripture, but for that to be effective, we also need to develop the art of biblical meditation. Enter into The Sanctuary to meditate on the Word of God.
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August 2015
CategoriesAll Always Pray And Do Not Lose Heart And Saw Everything Clear Anger “Ask And You Will Receive From Your Father In Heaven” Be Fearless Believe Come To Me And I Will Give You Rest Do Not Look To Man To Do What God Can Don't Fear The Transition Do You Trust God With The Plan For Your New Year? Dream Extraordinarily Gifted Faith Under Fire Fasting Or Feasting? Fearfully And Wonderfully Made Give Us This Bread Always Here Is There In The Fire Invaluable Detours “In You” I Will Follow You Wherever You Go Joyful Anticipation Of The Messiah Listen Mountain Moving Faith My Father Has Revealed This To You Necessary Change No Ordinary Commitment” “No Ordinary Master Nothing Will Be Impossible To You Power And Dominion Power Can Be Found In The Wait Power Of Influence Send Me Setting Priorities She Put In All That She Had Small Faith Teacher The Blind Man Was Restored The Grind The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand The Longings Of A Father The Power Of Perspective The-salt-of-the-earth “Tranquility And Sovereignty” True Relationship What-would-you-do-to-be-in-his-presence When-they-dont-understand-your-calling Who-do-you-say-that-i-am You Are Anxious But One Thing Is Needful Your Testimony Is Someone Elses Deliverance41f32fd9b0 |