8/25/2015 0 Comments Pursue Your Passion-Contributed by Daily Dose weekly contributor Chaun Archer- "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:23-24 I’ve been labeled many things in my life. Dreamer and free spirit are two that I heard a lot. It is not until recently that I’ve begun hearing people say hard worker and persistent. It’s odd how for so many years I hated the label of dreamer and free spirit. I hated what it implied. It sounded as if people thought I just had my head in the clouds chasing a dream or a goal that would never be reached or accomplished; as if I was wasting my time or aimlessly wandering through life. Although my plan may not have made sense to the people around me, I’ve always had a plan. My plan may have been flexible and changed over the years, but there was always a plan in place. I think most people struggled with my audacity to live life by my terms and pursue my passion instead of going down the beaten path. I believe that many people wish they had the courage to pursue their passion instead of a job or career that brings them little fulfillment or joy. I would like to say to anyone reading this, that you can pursue your passion too. People confuse passion with purpose. It may take you years to discover your purpose in life, but passion lives within us, and we usually know what we are passionate about. The two are often associated with each other, because many times while pursuing your passion, you often find your purpose. I’ve always loved acting and writing. These two things help me to breathe. After going to college for banking and finance to please my family, I realized I would be so unhappy because I found no happiness in it. Was it paying the bills? Yes. Was I good at it? Yes. But just because you are good at something doesn’t mean you love it or want to do it for the rest of your life. I found ways to write and get involved with acting while I was working. It was small things at first, because to have even a little of it made me feel whole. The small things opened the door for bigger things and before you knew it I was doing things that I loved and I was good at on a consistent basis and it began to pay the bills. I found far more pleasure in my work and it showed. First ask yourself, “Are my goals mine? Are you chasing someone else’s dream for your life?” Next ask yourself “Why?” Why do you want to pursue this thing? Next, start where you are. Try finding creative ways to pursue your passion without quitting your job or using up all of your savings. Find ways to volunteer or a group of people who are passionate about similar things. Lastly, give it your best, and give it time. The thing about your passion is, you would do it for free, because you feel so fulfilled every moment that you are doing it. There was a businessman who once went on vacation to a faraway beach. One day he walked past a local fisherman who was lazing around, with his fishing rod in the water, enjoying the sun and a glass of lemonade. The city man’s mind went to work immediately. The fishing spot was a gold mine, and a serious fishing business would thrive in the area. “Why are you so stupid?” he asked the fisherman. “Get some boats, hire some extra hands, and in a few years you will turn your little shop into a million-dollar business!” The local man asked him. “And what would you do once you have a million dollars?” The city man stared back blankly. “Why, I would have so much free time I could sit around in the sun all day drinking lemonade!” Enter into Worship
8/19/2015 0 Comments Happiness Is a ChoiceEnter into WorshipWhen life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I’ve always liked that saying. But what if you don’t have any sugar? For some people it’s more difficult to find the silver lining, to think positively, to turn the negative into the positive. That person was once me. I would turn a bad situation into a worse one. I would take sadness to another level. If someone even mentioned a silver lining I would cringe. For every positive thing you tried to get me to see, I could give you 10 negatives. One day I realized the toll that this kind of thinking was taking on my life. After having kids you begin to see yourself in a different way, because much of your attitude and traits can be seen in your children. They pick up these things from us and we cannot deny it. I began seeing my toddler, display bouts of sadness, and temper tantrums that reminded me of myself. I saw anger and rage and when I made the connection to where she could be getting it from, I realized that if I did not change my attitude and behavior I was setting up my child for a long miserable road ahead. I also began to see how my body was responding to this constant negativity. I struggled with depression, anxiety, weight gain, high blood pressure and lethargy. It was time for a change, and one day I realized that it was just as simple as making a choice. In every single moment in life you have a choice, big ones and little ones. The little ones we rarely think about, and do them almost on automatically. One of those tiny seemingly insignificant choices is happiness. When something goes wrong, or someone does something that makes us feel powerless in the situation, you are not powerless. You have a choice about how you will respond, and what you will think. Many times your response to the situation can even turn it around in your favor. Psalms 37:4 says, “Delight yourself also in the LORD: and he shall give you the desires of your heart.” It may seem like you are giving up your control to someone else, but it is the exact opposite; by deciding how you will feel you have taken control. You do not have to give another person or situation the power to determine your mood, or feelings. Only you can decide that. By practicing this, I’ve consistently remained positive and maintain a healthier lifestyle. The things I complained about before I now embrace as the challenges they are and the purpose they serve, which is to strengthen me in different areas of my life. What things do you allow to determine your mood? Who determines your happiness? Do you have the power to control your thoughts in a difficult situation? How can you choose happiness in difficult situation? Contributed by Daily Dose weekly contributor: Chaun Archer Enter into WorshipWe get dressed, put on makeup, brush our hair, and countless other mundane chores each day in front of a mirror. We look briefly at our image and carry on with our day, but do you really see yourself? The mirror was not created to look deep into ones soul, but merely return an exact image of your outer physical appearance. The kind of mirror I’m referring to is the mirror that examines your true self, beyond the smile and the makeup. After years of tests, trials, and tribulations, failures and shortcomings, we rarely take a minute to really reflect on how these things have affected us and assisted in our growth and change. Most of us go through a difficult time and our focus is just on getting through. But what happens after you make it to the other side of adversity? Do you just move on to the next and continue this cycle never taking a moment to look back and examine how you’ve changed, or how it has changed you. Anyone starting a weight loss journey knows that they are in for a tough ride, but they expect change in the process. Day after day and week after week they look closely in the mirror for change and examine their efforts and chart the progress. In a similar way we need to keep up with the changes that life can bring about. Has it made you bitter or better? Has it made you mean or merry? Are you walking around with regret, guilt, and being unforgiving? Is there sadness beneath that smile, or a joy that cannot be taken away? Even when we fail to take a look at ourselves, God is constantly in tune with the rhythm of our souls. He knows our innermost thoughts, hurts, worries and fears. He knows when others have treated us badly and when we have done wrong. Ignoring these things or pretending like they didn’t happen or didn’t change us doesn’t make it any less real or true. In Psalms 26:1-3 David says, “Vindicate me, O Lord, For I have walked in my integrity. I have also trusted in the Lord; I shall not slip. Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; Try my mind and my heart. For Your loving kindness is before my eyes, And I have walked in Your truth.” In a similar way we need to let God do the work. When we are having a hard time seeing ourselves and who we have become, we should ask God to examine our hearts, reveal our truths and fix anything that was broken or bent. If we do that we can be whole and continue on our journey with love, and God’s light, fulfilling our purpose. Contributed by Daily Dose weekly contributor Chaun Archer. Enter into Worship8/6/2015 0 Comments Take the Labels OffWalking through any aisle of a grocery store you are bombarded by labels. Aisle after aisle, row after row, clearly on display, you can see what each box, can, and package hides inside its container. Along with the ingredients, usage, warnings and nutritional information, you will often see guarantees, and promises, like “You Can’t Eat Just One”. They throw words around like “The Best” and “World Famous” and “Amazing”. They highlight all of the pros and turn negative aspects into positive ones. Never do you see words like “Bland Taste”, “Undesirable Odor”, “Seldom Liked”, “Less Value” or “Never Received an Award”. We expect a can labeled beans to have beans in it, and although we know that what’s inside will not mirror the image of the serving suggestion, we buy it anyway, because we need what’s inside. What would happen if we took the labels off? Would you buy it based on someone’s promise that beans are inside? Would you need to see proof of what’s inside? Labels serve a great purpose and add value when buying a can of corn or a box of stuffing, but what about the labels we put on each other and our selves? What purpose do they serve? Over time some of us have allowed our environments, life’s circumstances, and failures to place labels on us, and decrease our value and worth. It’s been done to children, and adults alike. At first we might fight it, but we hear some labels so often, that slowly but surely we begin to believe that we are the very things that we once disagreed with. That instead of beans, there must be corn inside, because everyone says so. We begin to consider, maybe they were right. We take on the mannerisms and become that thing. What about the people we’ve met and were told by others, not to trust because she’s a liar, or he’s a thief, or she’s so lazy. The next time we encounter that person we see, liar, thief, lazy, and never give them a chance to prove otherwise. When we do this to others we give them permission to be these things, instead of the hope to be better. When we hear negative things like you are ugly, nasty, mean, stupid, broke, useless, hopeless, a fool, can’t be loved, a small seed is planted. In times of doubt, those seeds begin to sprout and take root, and before you know it, you believe it too. Once you let those thoughts take root, do you even know who you really are anymore? Without a label God found value in us all. Before we could even walk, speak, read, or write, God validated us and placed his stamp of approval over our lives. In Jeremiah 1:5 God says, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." Somewhere along the way we forgot and began to believe the lies. Today I want you to begin to see the good in others and yourself as God sees the good in each of us. We have the potential to be great, and fulfill our purpose but first we need to take the labels off, respect each other, and respect ourselves. With a little hard work we can prove to others and ourselves that we are not the negative things that were spoken about us. At the end of the day, it’s not even about what people think, but that God is pleased with our attitudes, character and behavior. So let’s do what’s pleasing to God, worship him with our actions, and take the labels off. Soul Searching: What negative things have you believed about yourself? Who have you placed labels on, knowingly or unknowingly? Find 5 positive things to say about yourself, that you believe or would like to change. Contributed by Daily Dose weekly contributor Chaun Archer. Enter into Worship7/22/2015 0 Comments Jesus in DisguiseWorship is a tool that we can use to be able to hear the voice of God, our Shepard. Psalm 95:7 says, “For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.” And because we are the people of His pasture the flock under His care, worship is the appropriate response to God’s care for us. It’s the way we recognize Him as our God, it’s the way we respond to His care for us. And for us to respond to his care we need to be able to hear recognize Him and His voice. But I think at times we fail to recognize Jesus in the ordinary, and we must open our eyes in those divine appointments and opportunities He gives us. Many times our Father speaks to us in many different ways, through his Word, through others, and sometimes through experiences that we may not prefer to go through. Many times when we go through trials and tribulations we may think that God is not with us, we pray and ask God "where are you?" when in reality, It is just "Jesus in disguise" trying to speak to us and send us a message through the relationship, the trial and tribulation. We never know where Jesus may show up, or how He will speak to us! To be in the know, we must be in a constant state of worship so that we come to develop the attitude and relationship where we really hear God’s voice and knowing who He is. Being in worship puts you in a place where you can hear his voice. We come into God’s presence through our praise and thanksgiving. When we are in his presence, it would not be surprising if he has something to say to us! In worship, we position ourselves in front of God in such a way that understands that He is God and we are not – that He is the ruler of the universe and we are not. This is the type of fear that we are to have – not terror, but awe and respect. This puts us on the path to hearing his wisdom and understanding. Worship attunes us to God. Our praise and thanksgiving opens us up to receive all that God has for us. Worship is about knowing who He is when we hear and see Him. When you go into worship, consciously enter into God’s presence and be open to hearing and knowing Him in the innermost parts of your soul! Enter into Worship7/15/2015 0 Comments This Place of JoyThe person that I am today did not exist years ago. My days were often filled with gloom, worry and despair. I walked around with a constant cloud of woe and sadness. I seldom found the good in any situation, and actually expected things to always get worse. Although I had temporary moments of happiness, they were few and far between. I knew there had to be more to life, and I felt as though I was a lost cause. Most of my family and friends had grown tired of "dealing with me" and I was glad, because this meant they would leave me alone with my sadness. Depression had become so familiar that I wore it like my favorite coat. It went with me everywhere. So when I wrote the following post on my Facebook wall yesterday, I wonder if the past me would be surprised: What an amazing day to be alive! I've been waking up with so much joy, happiness, and peace. I can't explain it. I don't go to bed with worries, hate, bitterness, anger or unforgiving. The people around me are truly amazing, positive, and encouraging people, good people, who genuinely pour into me, and I willing reciprocate. I've attracted my heart's desires, both public and secret desires, by taking control of my thoughts and focusing on what I DO want and not what I don't want. I feel like anything I can imagine I can achieve. Everything in my life at this moment, is not here by accident, and I'm blessed because I simply believe. But its not about the material stuff, because I've learned to be happy with or without it. I may not worship God in traditional, extremely religious ways, but I know that God is real, and exists. Stop complaining, and start doing. If you can't do it, change your thinking, that's where it all starts. Thoughts become actions, you are what you attract. What brought about this complete change? I wish I could say it miraculously happened over night, or it was easy. But that's simply not true. I first had to realize that there was a problem, and only God could do in me what I had desperately tried doing my entire life. I knew that I was not living my ultimate life, and I wanted something more than momentary happiness. I wanted JOY! True everlasting, internal, and eternal JOY! The JOY of the Lord! During the Month of August I'll share with you my Journey to Joy in the Worship Wednesdays Newsletter. I look forward to sharing this journey with you! The Sanctuary Weekly Contributor Chaun Archer 7/9/2015 0 Comments I want to say Thank You Lord!Here is a searching spiritual question as we focus on Worship this Wednesday, in your worship: Are you cultivating and becoming a more rejoicing, grateful, thankful person? Would your work associates say that you are in a constant state of gratitude and thankfulness? What would your spouse, children, and close friends say? Or would they say that you are generally negative, gloomy, complaining? Would you say that your prayer life is increasingly characterized by praise and gratitude? Or is it dominated by whining requests and demands? If you could record the last month's thoughts of praise and gratitude vs. envy, self-pity and complaining, what would the replay ratio be? Cultivating a lifestyle/disposition of praising and thanking God is right at the heart of the new worship that was discussed in the New Testament. Hebrews 12:28 says, "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe." Hebrews 13:15 states, "Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name." God’s desire is that we praise and thank Him for our benefit, not His. God is pleased when we thank him for the same reason that good parents are pleased when their child thank them—not because it validates them as parents, but because it shows that their child is maturing. An attitude of thankfulness toward God is the most reliable indicator of your spiritual health. Are you spiritually healthy? Gratitude is the normal and natural response to one who has received grace. “Grace” means undeserved charity. In fact, “gratitude” comes from the Latin word for grace (“gratio”). A biblically grateful person is someone who appreciates both how undeserving he is before God and how charitable God has been to him. An ungrateful person feels he is deserving, and therefore expects God to give him his due. If lack of gratitude indicates that one is spiritually unhealthy, one can improve their spiritual health by cultivating a grateful attitude. And cultivating a grateful attitude will result in experiencing more true happiness. You can cultivate gratitude by prioritizing thanksgiving in your prayer life vs. letting it get crowded out by petitioning. You should always include it, and sometimes focus on it alone. You should take note of “small” blessings and actually express thanks to God for them vs. taking them for granted, acknowledging without expressing thanks. Warmly thank people who bless you daily, even if it's “small.” This will complete your enjoyment of the blessing, and it will increase your capacity to see other blessings. Ask God to sensitize you to internal negativity and complaining. When He does this, promptly turn away from these thoughts and replace them with thanks in the related areas. Set aside time to reflect on how God has worked through past negative situations for good in your life. This will help you believe that He is doing so in present negative situations—and thereby help you to thank Him now. Finally, utilize spiritual songs. They often have power to lift my eyes and heart when nothing else does. And on this Worship Wednesday, as you enter into The Sanctuary, allow this song of worship to bring "Thank You's" to your lips and let them flow to our Heavenly Father's ears; as your continual praise of gratitude and thankfulness will surely be pleasing to His heart. Enter Into The Sanctuary to say "Thank You"! 7/2/2015 0 Comments Lean on The Rock!Anyone feeling overwhelmed today? Most of the time, at least in my life, when I’m feeling overwhelmed I have procrastinated or wasted time. I have worked my hardest, trying to focus on what is important and still I find myself well, stressed. Anyone with me? We have too many things to do and not enough time to do them. We know our family is important, so we make time for them. We know work is important, so we make time for it. The important things are a priority in life and still there is just not enough time in the day. So what do we do when we are focusing on the BIG things and we still feel overwhelmed? Life is full of situations that can overwhelm us. First of all, let us look at how the dictionary defines the word “overwhelm”:
“From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings!” Psalm 61:2-4 (NIV) David needed a rock of protection, one that was higher than his troubles, a divine protection. He was physically and emotionally drained, so he cried out to the "rock that is higher than I", knowing this was a place of safety with God. David was not literally at the end of the earth, but he was in a place where safety and deliverance seemed obscure. We've all walked, or will walk, through days of that we felt like work was too much, the marriage was too much or the children were too much. During those days, weeks, or years, we must cling to God or sink further into desperation. Just like David, we must learn to “encourage ourselves in the Lord” (1 Samuel. 30:6). The next time you’re at the end of your rope in the marriage, the job, or your circumstances seem to be swallowing you up, and life is overwhelming you, be sure to run to Him in prayer. No amount of wishing and hoping and positive thinking will rescue you, you must cling to the rock through your days of trouble and He will grant you peace. When you feel overwhelmed, when you begin to feel hopeless, when you lose heart, cry out to the Lord. Remind yourself that the God you serve is a mighty God. He will protect you. He will keep you safe. And He will deliver you. Always! We’ve all felt overwhelmed and hopeless at one time or another. But it is not okay to continue feeling that way – not when Almighty God is your Father and He promised to carry our burdens! The clarity that He is our Rock gives us strength. All of this lets us find endless comfort and hope in the words, “From the end of the earth I will cry to You when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. If you cling to the Rock, you will be on top of your problems and see your circumstances from a far different perspective as you will be standing on the Rock who is higher than I. He is your Rock, your Strong Tower, your Safe Refuge from the storms of life. Call to The Rock!6/24/2015 0 Comments It Shall Not ProsperWe’ve been taught that, “When it rains, it pours.” We’ve been taught to expect the worst and to often lay down and take it when the enemy attacks. We’ve been taught to turn and run when darkness comes and to look away when injustice strikes. But when will we believe God and stand up? When will we say like those Hebrew young men to King Nebuchadnezzar after he threatened to have them burned alive, “…We don’t need to defend ourselves. The God we worship can save us from you and your flaming furnace. But even if He doesn’t, we still won’t worship your gods and the gold statue you have set up.” (Daniel 3:16-18). When we say, “Whether God delivers only my soul or both soul and body… we are believing what the Word says, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper…." (Isaiah 54:17) The truth is, the verse is written with the assumption that if you are walking in the will of God, that there will be weapons formed against you. You will fight obstacles. You will have to overcome darkness. I am a living witness to this! In the middle of this unprecedented time in The Sanctuary, I have had many arrows and fiery darts thrown to discourage and numerous snares set to destroy. If we had nothing happening in The Sanctuary right now, it wouldn’t make sense. But, we’re advancing with a fury that is transforming lives. You will not face opposition if you’re heading in the opposite direction of the enemy. If you’re not a threat, you’re not a target. So, what do you do when attacked?
But importantly remember that, "Our Father is not a man that should lie, if He said it, it will come to pass" (Numbers 23:19). So don't be afraid and don't you shrink back, you stand your ground because no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that rises up against you, He shall condemn. (Isaiah 54:17) Stand And Declare In Worship That No Weapon Formed Will Prosper! 6/18/2015 0 Comments Seeing Clearly!This month has been quite interesting. It has been one of revelation not just for me, but for those close to me. As I write, some conversations and dealings come to mind that have removed the scales from my eyes and that have opened my ears to the true character and nature of those that have been entrusted with my heart. We all know what happens when the covers are removed from those who have operated in deceptive practices. There comes a swell of emotions. The feelings of hurt, betrayal, anger and most of all rejection surface and sometimes take over. Everyone wants to feel accepted and valued. We can pretend that we don't need or want validation from anyone. But on some level we all do. And it's perfectly normal if you do. It's natural to want to be a part of something or to know that we are loved. God created us this way. So when we are not valued, accepted or made to feel as though we are not loved we tend to make decisions and choices in life that sends us on a destructive path. We loose focus of what we are called and purpose to be and we began to seek validation instead of seeking purpose. I know this to be true because I have been there. Yes, I allowed my desire to be valued make me a victim; a victim to toxic relationships, situations and thoughts. Thoughts that I wasn't good enough, smart enough, eloquent enough created insecurities within me about my God given talents and gifts haunted me. And whenever I came in contact with someone who criticized or manipulated me for their own selfish gain, it would send me into a place of depression and self-loathing. That's when the feelings of inadequacy would come in and I would loose my focus. It was a vicious cycle that I repeated for a long time. But today I can emphatically say that after a lot of God searching, praying and being honest about myself and those close to me, my vision became crystal clear! The more I allowed myself to get caught up in this destructive cycle the more I was hindering myself! I had to first realize and know my worth and know that I matter. If I cannot value myself, how can I expect anyone else to value me! Then I had to realize that my validation does not need to come from man but God. I accepted the gifts he blessed me with the gift to create, inspire and encourage. Really, that's what truly matter - the calling and purpose on our lives. Nothing else matters! And the most important lesson of all is that I could no longer give anyone that kind of power over my life. I gave their maltreatment of me meaning. I want to encourage you that if no one else values you and the contributions that you have made in this life, know this, our Father values you. You are important. You matter to Him. You are special and unique and he knows the greatness and purpose in you. Why? Because He created you and He created you with a divine purpose. Cast down the fears, and insecurities. Don't allow the dark cloud of the circumstances or the revelation of the true relationship to blind you anymore! The light has shown through the darkness and every obstacle and hinderance has been revealed! He has allowed you to see clearly the blue sky of your destiny. Don't you look back, only ahead to fulfill it. Enter Into Worship |
What is Worship?
The Apostle Paul described true worship perfectly in Romans 12:1:
“I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship." Worship is first of all an experience. It may express itself through certain forms, but it is not primarily a form. It is an experience. It is a consciousness of the presence of God and a response to that consciousness. Worship expresses itself as an outreach of the deepest emotions of the soul in adoration, reverence, homage, exaltation, and praise to the Almighty. We hope that our Worship Wednesday creates a deeper more meaningful worship experience for you. Visit our other inspirational blog
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August 2015
CategoriesAll Are For Your Good! Are You Living In The Spiritual? Are You Operating In Your Gift? Ascribe To His Beauty Atmosphere Of Faith Blessed Assurance Come Clean And Break Free! Flow Giving Is Worship Greater Is Here Great Is Thy Faithfulness Hallelujah! Praise Him In The Hallway! Have Thine Way He Is Faithful! He Is Mine He Takes Our Ashes And Gives Us With Beauty! His Name Makes Things Happen I Need Thee! I Need You…Please Don't Pass Me By It Is Well With My Soul… Just Listen Living For His Glory Look Where He Brought You From Minister To Him Like Anna My Everything Overwhelmed? Cling To The Rock. Pouring Out Praise Quench Your Thirst Saturate Me Singing And Dancing In The Rain And Walking On Water Something Happen Something Out Of Nothing Speak Life Thank You Is The Heart Of Worship Thank You Lord For Everything! The Miracle Of Grace The Name Above All Names The Smile Of God Is The Goal Of Life This Is My Song This Is My Story True Bread ThatLasts! Want To Put A Smile On His Face? When Others Say Where He Is Wholly Surrendered Who Needs A Super Here When He Is There! Will You Worship In The Midst Of The Storm? Withholding Nothing Withhold Nothing Worship Brings A Word In Your Season Worship In Barrenness Worship Into Your Season Worship While I Wait Your Gift Will Look Good On You. Unwrap It. |