8/28/2014 0 Comments Living For His Glory![]() Each Wednesday in The Sanctuary we set aside to teach and educate on the importance of Worship. Worship is important to the individual and to the Body of Christ. As a matter of fact both are powerless without worship. If you don’t worship as an individual down through the week there is no way you can truly worship during a church service or fellowship. Why? Because worship is a lifestyle and not just something that we do at church. Worship is how we get into the presence of God. The Bible says in Psalm 22:3 “But thou [art] holy, [O thou] that inhabitest the praises of Israel”. We take this scripture and say give praise because God inhabits the praise of His people; however, for us to come into His presence we must worship Him. If we don’t go into the presence of God we cannot grow spiritually, therefore we die spiritually. When we come into the sanctuary to worship we need to get our minds off all the negative things in life and concentrate and focus on God. Understand that we can’t worship God if our focus is everywhere but on God. The heart must be focused on Jesus in worship. Worship is what brings revival. Worship brings us into the presence of God and in the presence of God is where you want to be. Worship with the power of the Holy Ghost produces breakthrough, deliverance, peace, and victory. When we worship in spirit and in truth, we are preparing the way of the Lord. When His way is prepared, He steps in and does a great work in the lives of people. And the devil can’t do anything to stop it. He can’t stop you from receiving your breakthrough, from being delivered, set free, cleansed, made whole, and getting the victory. Repeatedly in Scripture, we see that whenever God calls someone into His service, He first reminds the person of His enduring presence. We see this in the stories of Moses (Ex. 3:11-12), Joshua (Josh. 1:1-9), Gideon (Judg. 6:12), and Jeremiah (Jer. 1:6-8), to name just a few. These men discovered, as we can, that the awareness of God’s presence energizes us for our work. ![]() Why does God repeatedly assure His followers of His presence? He does so because we need to be reminded of the reason for our confidence. He essentially says, “You can be strong and courageous because I am with you. Victory isn’t about your abilities, your strength, your skill, your armor, your gifts, or your dedication; it has to do with My presence. You can be strong because I will be strong in you.” When Jeremiah trembled at the thought of the difficult ministry ahead of him, the Lord strengthened him with these words: “They will fight against you, but they will not overcome you, for I am with you to deliver you” (Jeremiah 1:19). The adversary knows if we don’t worship we become weak and frail and easy to defeat; therefore he will do whatever it takes to distract you to the point that you don’t feel like worshiping God. But that’s even more reason why we should do everything in our power to be in His presence, in His presence we find the strength to get up out of that current condition and go on to higher heights and deeper depths in God. When did you last feel the presence of God in your life? I don’t mean a merely intellectual recognition that He is with you, for He is everywhere. Rather, when did you last recognize in your heart that the Lord is personally, intimately abiding in you? If you are like many believers, it may have been a while since you really felt His presence. Too many people go about their lives without a genuine sense of God’s closeness. Today, worship God in spirit and truth and tell Him that you will do anything for Him, just see Him, to behold Him as your King. Tell Him that you want to be "Where He is"! Enter Into Worship
What is Worship?
The Apostle Paul described true worship perfectly in Romans 12:1:
“I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship." Worship is first of all an experience. It may express itself through certain forms, but it is not primarily a form. It is an experience. It is a consciousness of the presence of God and a response to that consciousness. Worship expresses itself as an outreach of the deepest emotions of the soul in adoration, reverence, homage, exaltation, and praise to the Almighty. We hope that our Worship Wednesday creates a deeper more meaningful worship experience for you. Visit our other inspirational blog
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August 2015
CategoriesAll Are For Your Good! Are You Living In The Spiritual? Are You Operating In Your Gift? Ascribe To His Beauty Atmosphere Of Faith Blessed Assurance Come Clean And Break Free! Flow Giving Is Worship Greater Is Here Great Is Thy Faithfulness Hallelujah! Praise Him In The Hallway! Have Thine Way He Is Faithful! He Is Mine He Takes Our Ashes And Gives Us With Beauty! His Name Makes Things Happen I Need Thee! I Need You…Please Don't Pass Me By It Is Well With My Soul… Just Listen Living For His Glory Look Where He Brought You From Minister To Him Like Anna My Everything Overwhelmed? Cling To The Rock. Pouring Out Praise Quench Your Thirst Saturate Me Singing And Dancing In The Rain And Walking On Water Something Happen Something Out Of Nothing Speak Life Thank You Is The Heart Of Worship Thank You Lord For Everything! The Miracle Of Grace The Name Above All Names The Smile Of God Is The Goal Of Life This Is My Song This Is My Story True Bread ThatLasts! Want To Put A Smile On His Face? When Others Say Where He Is Wholly Surrendered Who Needs A Super Here When He Is There! Will You Worship In The Midst Of The Storm? Withholding Nothing Withhold Nothing Worship Brings A Word In Your Season Worship In Barrenness Worship Into Your Season Worship While I Wait Your Gift Will Look Good On You. Unwrap It. |