4/10/2014 0 Comments His Name Makes Things HappenWhen we’re wading through life’s rough waters, navigating rocky roads, and climbing steep mountains, we can feel ill-equipped to handle all life throws our way. But there is One who is able to challenge our challenges and help us triumph over them. His name is Jesus. Trusting in the authority of Christ, calling on His name, and standing on God’s word in our time of need are all necessary steps toward receiving the help and deliverance we so desperately desire. If you're struggling at this moment and need a reminder of just how powerful the Lord is, I find that there is no greater resource than the word of God to teach us that there is power in the name of Jesus. Do you remember the lame beggar in Acts 3? Well, he had been that way from birth. But when Peter commanded him in the name of Jesus to get up, something shifted in the earth. Even though he had been that way for so long, in Acts 3:16, SOMETHING HAPPENED. Peter said, “By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong.” The Holy Name of Jesus is, first of all, an all-powerful prayer. Our Lord Himself solemnly promises that whatever we ask the Father in His Name we shall receive. God never fails to keep His word. When, therefore, we speak Jesus name, "Jesus," let us ask God for all we need with absolute confidence of being heard. For this reason, when we end our prayer with the words, "through Jesus Christ," give our prayers a new and Divine ability. But the Holy Name is something still greater. Each time we say, "Jesus," we give God infinite joy and glory. Each time we say "Jesus," we gain power and strength. Each time we speak "Jesus," it is an act of perfect love and confidence. There is something powerful about that name—Jesus. Whenever you are going through a difficult time, call on Jesus. In the midst of your storm, when the red sea is in front of you and pharaoh’s army is behind you, call on Jesus. If you do not feel well in your body and need a miracle, cry out Jesus. When you are going through challenges and you do not feel like praying, call on Jesus. When you call on Jesus, your circumstance changes, when you cry out Jesus, demons tremble. The Holy Name of Jesus saves us from innumerable evils and delivers us especially from the power of the adversary, who is constantly seeking to do us harm. The Holy Name of Jesus gradually fills our souls with a peace and joy we never had before. Do you need a miracle? Are you going through something and need extra help from God? Do you feel lost, confused, and depressed? I challenge you to call on Jesus. When you call on Jesus, your situation and circumstance will change. When you know the God that you serve, you have no reason to be afraid of anything or anyone. He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End. He always was, He always is, and He always will be unmoved, unchanged, undefeated, and never undone. In fact, He is so great that the world cannot understand him, the armies cannot defeat Him, the schools cannot explain Him, Herod could not kill Him, the leaders cannot ignore Him, and scientist cannot explain Him. When you fall, He lifts you up! When you fail, He forgives; when you are weak, He is strong. His strength perfects our weakness. When you are afraid, He is your encourager. When you are confused, He counsels you. When you stumble and fall, he reaches a hand to lift you up, He keeps you steady. When you are heartbroken, he mends your broken heart. When you are hurt, He is your healer. When you did not have anything to eat, He fed you. When your world was crashing down on you, He was besides you. When you faced problems and went through pain, He comforted you. Moreover, when you face death, He is going to carry you Home. Jesus Christ has been given all authority in heaven and on earth. The next time you are in trouble and need extra help, just call on Jesus and watch something happen as His Name is Above all Names! Jesus Name has the power to shift your position. Today we in invite you to enter into The Sanctuary to worship and call on "His Name" and watch "Something Happen"!
What is Worship?
The Apostle Paul described true worship perfectly in Romans 12:1:
“I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship." Worship is first of all an experience. It may express itself through certain forms, but it is not primarily a form. It is an experience. It is a consciousness of the presence of God and a response to that consciousness. Worship expresses itself as an outreach of the deepest emotions of the soul in adoration, reverence, homage, exaltation, and praise to the Almighty. We hope that our Worship Wednesday creates a deeper more meaningful worship experience for you. Visit our other inspirational blog
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August 2015
CategoriesAll Are For Your Good! Are You Living In The Spiritual? Are You Operating In Your Gift? Ascribe To His Beauty Atmosphere Of Faith Blessed Assurance Come Clean And Break Free! Flow Giving Is Worship Greater Is Here Great Is Thy Faithfulness Hallelujah! Praise Him In The Hallway! Have Thine Way He Is Faithful! He Is Mine He Takes Our Ashes And Gives Us With Beauty! His Name Makes Things Happen I Need Thee! I Need You…Please Don't Pass Me By It Is Well With My Soul… Just Listen Living For His Glory Look Where He Brought You From Minister To Him Like Anna My Everything Overwhelmed? Cling To The Rock. Pouring Out Praise Quench Your Thirst Saturate Me Singing And Dancing In The Rain And Walking On Water Something Happen Something Out Of Nothing Speak Life Thank You Is The Heart Of Worship Thank You Lord For Everything! The Miracle Of Grace The Name Above All Names The Smile Of God Is The Goal Of Life This Is My Song This Is My Story True Bread ThatLasts! Want To Put A Smile On His Face? When Others Say Where He Is Wholly Surrendered Who Needs A Super Here When He Is There! Will You Worship In The Midst Of The Storm? Withholding Nothing Withhold Nothing Worship Brings A Word In Your Season Worship In Barrenness Worship Into Your Season Worship While I Wait Your Gift Will Look Good On You. Unwrap It. |