7/31/2013 0 Comments Minister To Him Like Anna![]() We are in Day 3 of our 10 Day Daniel Fast. We find in Scripture, that fasting was an expected, inseparable part of a Believer’s life. Fasting is a way of submitting and surrendering to the Holy Spirit in our lives. Fasting, it is an unfamiliar concept to many, and a seldom used means of intimacy with our Savior. Fasting is a valid spiritual discipline and should become part of a Believer’s lifestyle, similar to prayer, Bible study, Scripture memory. Above all, fasting should be a personal expression of worship to our Lord from a heart devoted to Him and worship should be done night and day. As you worship Him and resist temptation, you place your desire for intimacy with God above physical cravings of hunger, sleep or the comfort and trappings of this world. Prophetess Anna was that type of believer. In Luke 2:37 says, “She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying.” Much is not told of Prophetess Anna in Luke other than:
Anna—what an interesting woman! She served the Lord (ministered to the Lord) with fasting and prayer night and day. The word ministered is often exchanged with the word serve, what an unusual idea for a woman to minister to the Lord in prayer and fasting. Luke makes it clear that Anna never leaves the temple. Perhaps her devotion and expectation is why she never leaves the temple. Whatever her reasons, she is a fixture at the temple. Depending upon one’s perspective, Anna is living a life of worship or is a religious fanatic. Either way, Anna has found her niche. Luke stresses Anna’s age and single minded devotion. Anna does not lead a very complicated life. She never goes anywhere. Her singular focus is the service and worship of God. She is part of the remnant that is still actively seeking the Messiah. Anna is a throwback to a bygone era whose unwavering faith is likely as rare as being from her long lost tribe. We have no sense that Anna is impoverished, anxious or desperate…She seems to be yearning for something that is not practical at all. And though no priest notices the baby Jesus, someone, a widow, associated with organized religion takes notice and although Anna could not go into the Holy of Holies as the priests of her times, she is fortunate to see God in person. Anna proved that fasting coupled with prayer is pleasing to the Lord and when you are submitted to Him in a posture of worship and love, He will surely honor your sacrifice. As we corporately fast, pray for a worshipful posture like Anna. Resist the temptation to be prideful or think more highly of yourself than you ought, but let your worship take on the form of “fasting and prayers” and open your heart so that you can minister (serve) Him like Anna! Enter into The Sanctuary to worship and express your heart to your "One Desire".
What is Worship?
The Apostle Paul described true worship perfectly in Romans 12:1:
“I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship." Worship is first of all an experience. It may express itself through certain forms, but it is not primarily a form. It is an experience. It is a consciousness of the presence of God and a response to that consciousness. Worship expresses itself as an outreach of the deepest emotions of the soul in adoration, reverence, homage, exaltation, and praise to the Almighty. We hope that our Worship Wednesday creates a deeper more meaningful worship experience for you. Visit our other inspirational blog
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August 2015
CategoriesAll Are For Your Good! Are You Living In The Spiritual? Are You Operating In Your Gift? Ascribe To His Beauty Atmosphere Of Faith Blessed Assurance Come Clean And Break Free! Flow Giving Is Worship Greater Is Here Great Is Thy Faithfulness Hallelujah! Praise Him In The Hallway! Have Thine Way He Is Faithful! He Is Mine He Takes Our Ashes And Gives Us With Beauty! His Name Makes Things Happen I Need Thee! I Need You…Please Don't Pass Me By It Is Well With My Soul… Just Listen Living For His Glory Look Where He Brought You From Minister To Him Like Anna My Everything Overwhelmed? Cling To The Rock. Pouring Out Praise Quench Your Thirst Saturate Me Singing And Dancing In The Rain And Walking On Water Something Happen Something Out Of Nothing Speak Life Thank You Is The Heart Of Worship Thank You Lord For Everything! The Miracle Of Grace The Name Above All Names The Smile Of God Is The Goal Of Life This Is My Song This Is My Story True Bread ThatLasts! Want To Put A Smile On His Face? When Others Say Where He Is Wholly Surrendered Who Needs A Super Here When He Is There! Will You Worship In The Midst Of The Storm? Withholding Nothing Withhold Nothing Worship Brings A Word In Your Season Worship In Barrenness Worship Into Your Season Worship While I Wait Your Gift Will Look Good On You. Unwrap It. |