2/13/2015 0 Comments Overwhelmed? Cling to the Rock!Anyone feeling overwhelmed today? Most of the time, at least in my life, when I’m feeling overwhelmed I have procrastinated or wasted time. I have worked my hardest, trying to focus on what is important and still I find myself well, stressed. Anyone with me? We have too many things to do and not enough time to do them. We know our family is important, so we make time for them. We know work is important, so we make time for it. The important things are a priority in life and still there is just not enough time in the day. So what do we do when we are focusing on the BIG things and we still feel overwhelmed? Life is full of situations that can overwhelm us. First of all, let us look at how the dictionary defines the word “overwhelm”:
“From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings!” Psalm 61:2-4 (NIV) The Contemporary English Version of Psalm 61:2-4 says, "I feel hopeless, and I cry out to you from a faraway land. Lead me to the mighty rock high above me. You are a strong tower, where I am safe from my enemies. Let me live with you forever and find protection under your wings, my God." David needed a rock of protection, one that was higher than his troubles, a divine protection. He was physically and emotionally drained, so he cried out to the "rock that is higher than I", knowing this was a place of safety with God. David was not literally at the end of the earth, but he was in a place where safety and deliverance seemed obscure. We've all walked, or will walk, through days of despair. During those days, weeks, or years, we must cling to God or sink further into desperation. Just like David, we must learn to “encourage ourselves in the Lord” (1 Samuel. 30:6). The next time you’re at the end of your rope, or your circumstances seem to be swallowing you up, or life is overwhelming you, be sure to run to Him in prayer… no amount of wishing and hoping and positive thinking will rescue you. Cling to the Rock through your days of trouble and He will grant you peace. When you feel overwhelmed, when you begin to feel hopeless, when you lose heart, cry out to the Lord. He is your Rock, your Strong Tower, your Safe Refuge from the storms of life. If you cling to the Rock, you will be on top of your problems and see your circumstances from a far different perspective as you will be standing on the Rock who is higher than I. Enter into Worship
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What is Worship?
The Apostle Paul described true worship perfectly in Romans 12:1:
“I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship." Worship is first of all an experience. It may express itself through certain forms, but it is not primarily a form. It is an experience. It is a consciousness of the presence of God and a response to that consciousness. Worship expresses itself as an outreach of the deepest emotions of the soul in adoration, reverence, homage, exaltation, and praise to the Almighty. We hope that our Worship Wednesday creates a deeper more meaningful worship experience for you. Visit our other inspirational blog
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August 2015
CategoriesAll Are For Your Good! Are You Living In The Spiritual? Are You Operating In Your Gift? Ascribe To His Beauty Atmosphere Of Faith Blessed Assurance Come Clean And Break Free! Flow Giving Is Worship Greater Is Here Great Is Thy Faithfulness Hallelujah! Praise Him In The Hallway! Have Thine Way He Is Faithful! He Is Mine He Takes Our Ashes And Gives Us With Beauty! His Name Makes Things Happen I Need Thee! I Need You…Please Don't Pass Me By It Is Well With My Soul… Just Listen Living For His Glory Look Where He Brought You From Minister To Him Like Anna My Everything Overwhelmed? Cling To The Rock. Pouring Out Praise Quench Your Thirst Saturate Me Singing And Dancing In The Rain And Walking On Water Something Happen Something Out Of Nothing Speak Life Thank You Is The Heart Of Worship Thank You Lord For Everything! The Miracle Of Grace The Name Above All Names The Smile Of God Is The Goal Of Life This Is My Song This Is My Story True Bread ThatLasts! Want To Put A Smile On His Face? When Others Say Where He Is Wholly Surrendered Who Needs A Super Here When He Is There! Will You Worship In The Midst Of The Storm? Withholding Nothing Withhold Nothing Worship Brings A Word In Your Season Worship In Barrenness Worship Into Your Season Worship While I Wait Your Gift Will Look Good On You. Unwrap It. |